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Full Version: Help with Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon model ripping
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Hi, first time poster here, and I wanted some help with model ripping on Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. I was able to extract the rom files, but all I found was just some .data and .dict files, which are formats that are completely unknown to me. I'm pretty sure those are the models, but in a different format. I read somewhere that they were zlib compressed, but decompressing it only led to a 00000000.dat file, which was no use. Does anyone have any info on this?

Here is the MEGA link for all the Luigi's Mansion files for you guys to look at. One in particular is in art\feghosts\ or ghosthider.dict
(05-23-2015, 08:45 PM)TrueDread Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, first time poster here, and I wanted some help with model ripping on Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. I was able to extract the rom files, but all I found was just some .data and .dict files, which are formats that are completely unknown to me. I'm pretty sure those are the models, but in a different format. I read somewhere that they were zlib compressed, but decompressing it only led to a 00000000.dat file, which was no use. Does anyone have any info on this?

Here is the MEGA link for all the Luigi's Mansion files for you guys to look at. One in particular is in art\feghosts\ or ghosthider.dict

We're still learning more about the file encryption of LMBig GrinM. There is a start but as of now not much is known. Sorry.
On the bright side, that download will be really helpful if people are going to try and rip models from the game.