Well basically that's the question, i don't know how i can rip Super Mario 3D World 3D models from Wii U.
I can't find a tutorial
Could anybody teach me or send me a tutorial, or the programs i need, thanks you!
I wish I could help but I came here looking for answers to that question...
(09-19-2015, 01:35 AM)RatchetMario Wrote: [ -> ]All things you need:
1. Super Mario 3D World ISO dump from internet (a.k.a Google it)
2. DiscU or Uwizard + Common key
3. 3ds Max
4. This tool http://www.vg-resource.com/thread-26692.html
You should add that he'll need a SZS extractor if he isn't using UWizard.
(09-21-2015, 09:41 PM)Irastris Wrote: [ -> ]You should add that he'll need a SZS extractor if he isn't using UWizard.
Or maybe using SARCExtract by NWPlayer123 to unpack .szs
Or use uwizard if you want szs + sarc gui extractor
Simple, use the Switch Toolbox.(Search it on Google)
it kinda works almost every .szs files and it can automatically convert them to some simple format like .dae files and png files.