Disagreed. The term "origins" would imply that this game was made second (after Mother 2/Earthbound) as a prequel, as that is how the term is generally used in games/movies. But as this game was actually created first, it's better to call it something else to avoid confusion.
(06-17-2015, 06:22 AM)Jermungandr Wrote: [ -> ]Disagreed. The term "origins" would imply that this game was made second (after Mother 2/Earthbound) as a prequel, as that is how the term is generally used in games/movies. But as this game was actually created first, it's better to call it something else to avoid confusion.
I fail to see how "Beginnings" is any different. The game everyone is familiar with is just one word, adding another word makes it sound like a prequel/sequel regardless.
You're not wrong, but the word "origins" already has specific associations behind it is the thing, and I think they knew that.
For the mostpart, the main consumer demographic of Earthbound Beginnings is going to be people most familiar with Earthbound and Mother 3, so it might as well be indicating that anyways. I mean, I'd understand where it might matter if this is the title that most people played first, but a majority of the Western players got their start on Earthbound/Mother 3 so I don't see the harm of it since it's the game most people will be playing second or third anyways.
I bought Earthbound just to see what it was like when it first came to Wii U after never trying out on emulators since I rarely knew about it.
Well, it does appeal to me due to how quirky, surreal, and nightmarish it gets and I like that kind of stuff such as The Yellow Submarine.
Grabbed this one after it was released, Liking it so far. Even at the beginning you fight weird things like possessed lamps and a doll.
And of course, the hippies have to be one of the funniest enemies I've ever seen. So random, I love it.
/\ grind some enemies for EXP because you may fall short of them later on. It's never too much to keep your party properly leveled
as for Origins/Beginnings, I prefer Begginings because of Jermungandr's explanation. Earthbound Beginnings sounds actually ok for a first game name, albeit a little pretentious. Earthbound Origins though sounds like a prequel cooked up AFTER the first game, which is not the case.
but, all of this is just semantics and I guess they picked the less 'buzzword-y' option because so many things are 'Origin' nowadays
Earthbound: The Before Times
EarthBounded (past tense)
Checkmate, bitches
However, Mother 3 can only be named this.
![[Image: earthbound2.png]](http://www.nindb.net/snes/earthbound/img/cameos/earthbound2.png)
(06-19-2015, 01:03 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]EarthBounded (past tense)
Checkmate, bitches
HEY, if that's checkmate then I already won!
(06-19-2015, 01:09 PM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]However, Mother 3 can only be named this.
![[Image: earthbound2.png]](http://www.nindb.net/snes/earthbound/img/cameos/earthbound2.png)
Damn, I forgot that's cannon. Yo, Do you think they're bad enough peeps to retcon themselves and call Mother 3 Earthboundries?
(Cause of the White Ship back story.)
I advocate Earthboundaries tbh
(06-19-2015, 03:11 PM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]EarthBound Ending
This one's the most fitting.
...because Mother 3 is the last one Itoi will ever make.

At least Mother 4 looks so good it might as well count as a canonical sequel