I hate HATE HATE when people make an assumption and state it like a fact.
One of the most annoying has got to be: "Rare owns the Kremlings and that's why Nintendo can't use them."
This couldn't be further from the truth. Nintendo has used the Kremlings in numerous games since Rare joined Microsoft. Here's a list.
Donkey Konga
Donkey Konga 2
Donkey Konga 3
Donkey Kong King of Swing
Donkey Kong Jungle Climber
Donkey Kong Barrel Blast
Mario Strikers
Mario Strikers Charged
Mario Super Sluggers
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Look them up!
Seriously, I need to know where this myth is coming from. Why do I still hear it?
Thanks for the important heads-up Koopaul
You're right though.
I never realized people said this, I mean DIDDY KONG was made by RARE.
I just-
I was talking about what characters I want in the Smash 4 roster with a friend and they shot down all of them, one of them was King K.Rool and he argued with me that he's owned by Rare/Microsoft, I was SO ANGRY at him, I believe later on someone else told me the same thing, it's really stupid.
"Donkey Kong isn't niche! Look at all these MAIN SERIES GAMES he has had!"
If anyone is going to bring up an assumption about the Kremlings due to Retro's games, then they'll be sorely mistaken because Retro actually did have a chance t put them in there. Instead, they chose not to because they wanted to try something new and go for a different ascetic.
Besides, much like Iceman implied, if this assumption was true about the Kremlings, then other Rare characters, such as Diddy and Dixie, would not appear in other Mario games.
Pretty sure it's been well-established Nintendo owns everything and anything that has to do with the DK franchise itself... Except for the characters introduced in Diddy Kong Racing, I think (sans Krunch, because he's a Kremling).
I'm guessing the misconception comes from the arcade games, the Mario vs. DK games, and Jungle Beat still being fresh in people's minds (the latter of which having DK, bananas, and the Jungle Hijinx theme as the only recurring elements from the Country games left intact).
"Nintendo owns the Kremlin"
I am ready for this. I'd be all for Soviet Mario playing Loginska on a balalaika while walking on the Volga riverside
"Ohhh, mammatryoshka!!" *dies while doing cossack dance*
so glad u posted this...really solvin the tru mysteries of the DK lexicon wit legal proof
![[Image: Ek5KhJs.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/Ek5KhJs.jpg)
Just so I can get up to speed here, now that I know Nintendo owns the right to the Kremlings: Diddy Kong is DK's son, right? And Cranky Kong is DK's father? He WAS the original Donkey Kong, so like, he TOTALLY could be his dad.
That would make Diddy Kong Cranky's grandson!
Also why is Tiny big. I thought she was little but now she is big. Why are people aging in the DK universe and not Mario. What is going on
(06-16-2015, 03:15 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]Diddy is DK's nephew
Thanks for your input, but I'm more likely to take Koopaul's word when it comes to Donkey Kong lexicon.
It's a very,
very deep, engaging series with years of lexicon, so no offense, Iceman - but I feel more comfortable with his definitive assertions on the Donkey Kong series.
Like, c'mon - he's the Donkey Kong expert.
I'm so confused right now
(06-16-2015, 03:28 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]It's a very, very deep, engaging series with years of lexicon, so no offense, Iceman - but I feel more comfortable with his definitive assertions on the Donkey Kong series.
i hope this helps you out
it's still a pretty difficult story, but it's canon.
barrel cannon.
I always thought it was weird that Dixie is Diddy's girlfriend.
Do they fuck and make out?
(06-16-2015, 10:19 PM)Pik Wrote: [ -> ]I always thought it was weird that Dixie is Diddy's girlfriend.
Do they fuck and make out?
Yes. I read on the Internet that Kiddy Kong is their son but this is probably untrue just like everything I've been reading on the Internet lately