hello, yes. im a tiny shrek and im
not sure how to describe myself
since im not very good at math
im an all-star ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
whoever writes below this
is not my brother
it's as if i'm staring into a mirror
guys, i think this might be my long-lost brother. it's a little complicated.
all-star. layers. princess fiona
a little tip, long-lost brother who is actually friends with supersmashball and spamming on his behalf
this is in our forum rules
Quote:5.1: Overuse of Fonts and Emotes
We have these nice features and there's nothing wrong with using them. However, overusing them isn't advised. Making all your posts in a non-standard font or color should be avoided. The usage of these should be restricted to cases where they make sense, for example to mark or emphasize text sections or to give large texts or story parts better structuring. There's also nothing wrong with using emoticons, but you shouldn't put a ton of random ones everywhere. There's no need to put long chains of emoticons at the end of every post or sentence.
while ya got the chops to be top banana, you might wanna think twice about overstylizing posts. y'got a ballin af sig so there's no need to fancy yourself out like that
it's funny though: we called someone else out on always coloring their text red and they threw a shitfit. please don't throw a shitfit, long lost bro :c just stay forever and we can hang out and have fun like kids but for all eternity