(07-24-2015, 07:24 AM)TGE Wrote: [ -> ] (07-24-2015, 01:33 AM)Demonslayerx8 Wrote: [ -> ]hmm i see... well dang.. i'd like it if they were assigned to the vertex colors.. since im a brawl stage maker, its useful if its in the vertex paint.. i was able to get it to show through edit mesh, but its somewhat of a nice breakthrough.. hope ya know what im trying to say tho lol
Do they get exported to the DAE?
when the fixed alpha is shown via edit mesh, not at all.. if it was in vertex paint, then yes it would be exported into the DAE.
Hm, can you send me the .max scene? I only have version 2010 and 2014 of 3ds max. I can try to write a script to transfer the alpha to the vertex paint modifier.
yeah i can do that.. want a max scene of any BMD model imported? and i only have max 2014.
Sure, is the vertex alpha seperate from the vertex colors? Or are they on a different map?
Alpha is a separate channel in 3ds Max. Vertex colors are in 0 and alpha is -2.
They are using the same texcoord indices from BMD, but somehow vertex colors are assigned and displayed correctly. Perhaps, I'm missing something important in the script.
well... RTB is able to get alpha channels loaded into the color nodes with SmashU models.. and BCH format also.. so might be missing something.. somewhere
@TGE - ill send u some asap (was on vacation, sorry for the delay)
But are these converters written in MaxScript as well?
yeah, pretty much all written in maxscript... maybe ask RTB for some tips or something?
Thank you avatarus for this update, but can we export as bmd ?
(05-03-2016, 03:13 AM)richarldb Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you avatarus for this update, but can we export as bmd ?
Perhaps you can, but you'll have to look for a different software. I think Super Mario Galaxy 2.5 devs knew more about this.
(05-17-2016, 11:14 AM)Avatarus Wrote: [ -> ] (05-03-2016, 03:13 AM)richarldb Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you avatarus for this update, but can we export as bmd ?
Perhaps you can, but you'll have to look for a different software. I think Super Mario Galaxy 2.5 devs knew more about this.
Do you mean BMDtoBDL, BLDeditor and BDLtoBMD ?
to BDL
BMD Plugin giving me an error. Help me fix it.
I got the same error for 3ds Max 2017.
(08-30-2017, 10:18 AM)Bri11 Wrote: [ -> ]I got the same error for 3ds Max 2017.
Do what he says in post #5, that should make it work for you.