One year is certainly a very long time and one were it is easly possible to forget aquaintances and friends back from that time.
If anyone missed my presence, you may start throwing me with insults how I dared not to say goodbye first.
I returned because I am active again in the spriting scene, so it is natural to go back and say hi and apologise for any silent uproar caused.
So how are you doing?
(And where was the link to the chatting room again?)
Hey welcome back! : )
The official chat isn't a thing anymore, unfortunately.
That is sad, how did it come to that?
It went through a few iterations over the years but always came to the same result - nobody used it. It would be popular for the first couple of weeks and then die almost entirely. The last time it was up, it was an IRC server I set up myself and when everyone stopped using it, I repurposed the server.
All the same, welcome back!
That is quite odd, that you don't have any activity in the chat anymore.
I always loved to go there for advice, asking the great progenitor Previous.
Deadchat on Sprites.INC is very active though, but not as attractive as it was with yours, when I was still active here. (Edit: I would hang out in there each day like on INC)
In any case I am going to reveal what I am up to in a new thread. (Edit:
I actually tried and miserably failed at bringing the chat back a while back. Ahh well. Welcome back here on The VGR. I don't know you but I sure hope I get to.
(09-06-2015, 12:31 AM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ]I actually tried and miserably failed at bringing the chat back a while back. Ahh well. Welcome back here on The VGR. I don't know you but I sure hope I get to.
I am sure we will get along.