As with Maverick Hunter X, I've been wanting to rip from this specific game for a very long time and am a bit surprised that no one has really looked into it at all. The models and textures are packed into corresponding ".arc" files. Here's a few of them to get started.
Dropbox Link
# Mega Man X: Command Mission
# script for QuickBMS
endian big
get ASIZE asize
for OFFSET = 0 < ASIZE
math NAMELEN = 8
math DONE = 0
get TEST byte
if TEST != 0
goto -1 0 SEEK_CUR
DONE = 1
math NAMELEN -= 1
while DONE != 1
getdstring NAME NAMELEN
get FLAG1 short
get FLAG2 short
get SIZE long
goto 16 0 SEEK_CUR
savepos OFFSET
string NAME += "."
string NAME += FLAG1
string NAME += "_"
string NAME += FLAG2
Well it gets them unpacked...though I have no clue what to do with the resulting files...
Post them here so we can help out

Here's a MaxScript to import the models (*.1_4 files).
Not sure where the rigging or bones are though.
The textures are stored in the *.1_0 files, but I don't know enough about gamecube texture formats to be able to convert them.
Er, this script consistently gives an error when trying to import anything. Something about 'Float' or some such.
(09-14-2015, 04:56 PM)Carpaccio Wrote: [ -> ]Er, this script consistently gives an error when trying to import anything. Something about 'Float' or some such.
Sorry. I updated the attachment.
Awesome! Works perfectly now!
Any luck with the models?
Yes, that script posted imports them into 3DSmax perfectly. Only problem is the textures. They need to be extracted either manually or someone needs to find a way to convert them.
You could always try dumping them using an emulator.
I went the lazy route and extracted them from the PS2 version since they're the same, and actually common formats there (tim2 files). Also, UVs on extracted models are flipped, so just flip the textures vertically if you have to.
(09-15-2015, 09:27 PM)Carpaccio Wrote: [ -> ]I went the lazy route and extracted them from the PS2 version since they're the same, and actually common formats there (tim2 files). Also, UVs on extracted models are flipped, so just flip the textures vertically if you have to.
Could you post the PS2 Model files?
Well I can post a sample, sure. Here's what seems to be Epsilon's battle model files.
Dropbox Link