And... that's it for P4DAN? I mean, a lot of the UI is missing, particularly for the dance screen and all, but I think those .TGA files have movement data built into them as well. Every time I try to open them with... anything, I get error messages. This was particularly prevalent in the transitions images.
But I'm done. If anyone wants to figure those out, they're welcome to it.
(Well, I'm done until the DLC data that's missing can be found anyway. There's a sad lack of Adachi on that page.)
(01-27-2016, 11:44 PM)Skyla Doragono Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, if this gets mention on the front page this week? Can we give a shout out to ShrineFox and the guys at Amicitia? If it wasn't for them, this rip wouldn't have been possible.

Thanks for working so hard on uploading all of these.
Really makes all that work feel like it paid off.
Once I update with the files that weren't cooperating before, I'm going to hit the sound files. Those should be easy after all this.
Also, still having issues with some of the P4G files, particularly when it comes to bins. Tried another way of extracting them, and I got a, "you may not have enough space on your computer" as a result. Dude, I have 200+ GB left on my computer, no way you're that big. I've got one more thing to try, but if that doesn't work I'll poke people to see what I'm doing wrong.
EDIT: Okay, updated Misc, Common Files, and Stage Transitions with the missing files, and added the following that wouldn't extract (or extract completely) before:
Still can't find Tanaka; I suspect he
may be in either one of the .bins that won't extract, or in one of the .EPL files that are in this game, which I haven't tackled yet because I suspect most of them contain model data. When I do find him, I'll update the Shop files to reflect that.
Oh also; can't seem to find the FULL dance HUD either -- IE, the yellow ring and the rhythm icons. I suspect because of the nature of their movement they're probably in a .GMD file, even though they're a 2D image. The koma cut ins for P4 and P4G were treated the same way.
lmao every time I say I'm done with P4DAN there's more stuff. Big thanks to Ehm for helping with an extractor for the .SPR4 files that were scattered around; it filled in a lot of the missing files, like the full dance HUD and other stuff.
Updated Files: missing files added to Common Files, Dance HUD updated and changed to Dance UI, missing files added to the Main Menu, Result Screen Dancers changed to just Results Screen and the entire UI for that was added, removed images from Misc that now have places to go, Background Albums for the collections menu changed to Background and UI and the entire background and user interface was added, changed Arcana Cards to Character Viewer and added missing UI, and added the missing UI and Tanaka to the Shop Opening.
The following are new from P4DAN:
I'm calling done on this one now, because I'm pretty sure there's nothing left?
At least I hope there isn't.
And now I have some stuff that was missing from P4G:
The 2-panel All Out Attack images had no alpha transparency that I could find, so I kind of suspect that they're not used at all, as which seems to be the case with this game. I've tossed them in for completeness anyway.
That's it from me for awhile. I'm going to try and focus on ripping the sound from these games now.
Nice work with all these submissions!
And back to this, now that I'm a little done with Vita stuff for awhile.
I believe I only have Yosuke and Elizabeth left, so I'll try to make a push and get those two done today so the fighters are done
and people can stop harassing me about it. Then I'm going to go back and clean up the other fighters, as well as I think re-rip Adachi and Marie, this way I can say for certain everything in this section is from the X-box 360 version (not that there's much difference).
EDIT: Forgot about Labrys; I'll still try to finish today though.
Started on Labrys, then realized about half way through her "glasses" frames that I needed to take a break before I drove myself insane. Should be able to get her done within the next few days though.
Labrys is done! One more fighter, and they're all finished.
Thank goodness.
Started on the Tales of the Abyss images I could extract. Seems like most of the flat images are probably in TIM2 files, though some of these are compressed in .TXD files with non-standard headers, and I'm not sure what to do with them. I've got a topic in Ripping Help looking for assistance with this.
Stiiiiiiiiiill haven't found the skit facesssss and its anooooooying.
Oh well, have some menu things.
Haven't been in a good place tonight, so I started on something new.
There's the rest of the bustups. There's other images I managed to get, but I need to... sort them out and figure out what the heck to put them under.
TDL and progress list, just to prove I'm not dead:
DRAE: Have everything sorted, just not sure to put on sheets or not.
P4AU: Working on Shadow Labrys; have poses 1 through 82 and 125 converted for her base sprite.
CG: Yes there's more; still stalled a little on mechs because I'm not 100% on all the names.
New Project: Bleach the 3rd Phantom
Noticed that the sprite pack here is incomplete. Working on putting each character on their own sheet with all their graphics.
I have some more stuff, but I think I missing some files. I'll... figure it out later.
Who the hell is this person again.
Hey guys, long time no graphics. Have the final missing character in the Persona 4 Arena Ultimax collection:
These are also the most complete of the bunch, as I was able to find and convert Shadow Labrys' 3D battle effects imagery as well. I'm going to go back and give the other characters the same treatment... maybe tonight? Or at least start it anyway.
Thanks for being patient for so long guys, and enjoy.