Did you know there were two Code Geass games for the DS? Yeeeeeah...
Taking a break on uploading here. Sprite Sheeter keeps freaking out because there's so many damn individual graphics.
S'up. I ripped a game I hated just because I haven't been here in awhile.
Also updated the character and song name files, which was missing Hatsune Miku's song title.
Adding the sounds from the DLC to TSoR once I remember how to do it.
//dusts off the cobwebs.
I might change the thumbnails later so they match the others. This is what happens when you pick up a project again after seven years.
I was hoping to make a splash of a return by ripping all of Pictologica Final Fantasy for the 3DS, but I underestimated the depth of such a project, so that might not be coming for awhile yet.
...I forgot how time consuming all of this was.
Amazing stuff!
Also, wow they just ignored Yang like that, huh?

I saw this thread bumped and had to double take. Great rips, and cool to see you again!
Thanks guys; it's good to be back.
Ton, wait until I get to all the cut content. It's... a lot.
(07-02-2024, 10:05 PM)Skyla Doragono Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks guys; it's good to be back. 
Ton, wait until I get to all the cut content. It's... a lot.
Wow, really? I had no idea.
Yup; it's like they took graphics from a certain version of the mobile game, and then built the DS game up from there.
Everyone's favorite evil tree.
FF6 team is up. I'm sensing a character bias here...
Well, it IS the best game in the series...
I think the FF7 fans would fight you on that one.
Speaking of: