How are you guys doing in it? I'm at Dracula and I'm getting destroyed. I can do his first attack pattern with no problem, but he starts spewing bats at me and I get raped.

This game is so freaking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
but I love it
I wish they would have done a little more with the glyph system, though~
I'm not up to Dracula yet, though :<
Beat it like 3 or 4 days ago, in the process of 100%ing normal mode right now. I've got a complete map, bestiary and glyph database but still have some items to get and have to reach level 99. After that I get to jump into hard mode.
I just bought the game.
Hard, eh? Shit.
I'm liking Albus mode better simply because of the teleporting ability. Also because I don't have to go through the trouble of rescuing the village people which shouldn't have even been part of the game to begin with.
Honestly, I can't bring myself to enjoy Albus mode. Its just so clunky compared to the normal game. Same with all the other 'bonus character' modes. /:
Also, my DS's L button doesn't work, so I can't super jump as Albus.

Use the touchscreen to teleport. I find it more fun to warp all over the place than just run and gun.
so I'm stuck at the guy with the really big werewolf shadow
I don't know what his name is, but I keep getting raped whenever I fight him.
I think the problem might be that I'm a level 34 going in to fight him, but this shouldn't be an issue since you should be able to beat the game at level 1
but a lot of his moves just seem undodgeable for me :<
Ah yes, the wall shadow rapes even the very best of us hardcore gamers. Don't worry, it gets easier when you memorize the pattern.
Actually, no it doesn't. You can only take 3-5 hits.

Use either the Nova Skeleton's attack or the fire pillar. Both are awesome against him.
Honestly, I used Vol Luminatio. Thats pretty effective against Blackmore, if you power it up right. (Fio Sapiens, assort your equipment to up magic damage, etc.)
In the end its not that hard. I was around level 34-36 or so when I beat him.
EDIT: As far as my 100%ing goes, I've got everything except: Leveled to 99, and 100% items. I can't 100% because I only got two boss medals, but aside from that I'm only missing two Boss Rush mode items. once I get those I'm new game +ing this shit and getting those medals, then Hard Mode is going to have to deal with me. Not the other way around.
I try using the Vol Ascia/Nitesco crash on him as soon as I enter the room (with a level 3 Fidelis Noctua equipped), and then proceed to blast him with Nitesco, but I always get killed whenever I try to fight him :<
USE VOL LUMINATIO OR DEATH RING + MELIO FALCIS UNION but you dont have death ring so
I just translated all the glyph names from latin (or greek) to english
why did i do that