this makes no sense being in general discussion forum
This match caught me by surprise!
I always thought that these two sound a lot like eachother.
it's just the heavy focus on percussion really, but it still is pretty cool how much they sound alike
I found this really ridiculous...To a point where I wanted to include this comparison in the bootleg thread. But I'll give SEGA the benefit of the doubt - it may have been a coincidence.
(Bloxeed came out about a year if not some months after Valkyrie no Densetsu)
I don't know, I can see the resemblance but it's not the same exact thing
now the main tune of these are too similar
(03-24-2016, 06:55 PM)gors Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know, I can see the resemblance but it's not the same exact thing
now the main tune of these are too similar
[music nerd talk]
It's that "Canon in D Major" trope that musicians have implemented for years when their too lazy to come up with their own chord progression. Just the same chords over and over. Not really bashing this music in particular, but this kinda thing is getting old for me personally.
That's odd. You'd think Disney would easily obtain the rights of Goodman's swing tune. They are Disney afterall.