so im making some dumb rpg. i would animate the sprites, but im not really feeling it atm. maybe a lil later
c+c is cool, edits are wickedly awesome.
i finished waluigi and made tweaks to recme so that the walk cycle looks not weird
The walking sprite when he's facing north looks like hes walking straight but turning his head to the right. Maybe adding the other ear would fix the issue.
Or it's just me seeing it
What Quirby said, and also, something about the fact that there's no shading in between the face to hair, makes the face look a little like a mask instead of a face, especially considering the fact that it looks square at the top. Just, maybe add a darker skin shade or hair shade at the top corners of the face. It would look ok otherwise though.
but you wouldn't be able to see the other ear from behind, with the way the back of his hair sweeps out to the side
ok. please tell me how to add more frames to animations in rpg maker, if you want to see more frames. this really isnt the matter of memory-saving tactics, its just that the program i use doesnt allow it afaik.
i dont really mind the animation itself. adding more frames to this sprite and the rest of the characters would probably guarantee the incompletion of this game. maybe when i finish revamping our assets, i shall probably make refinements to all character sprites, if that's even allowed in the first place.
(10-27-2015, 11:45 AM)Joxon Wrote: [ -> ]What Quirby said, and also, something about the fact that there's no shading in between the face to hair, makes the face look a little like a mask instead of a face, especially considering the fact that it looks square at the top. Just, maybe add a darker skin shade or hair shade at the top corners of the face. It would look ok otherwise though.
adding shading to the forehead would make it look kinda awkward, tbh. maybe ill add a small aa line to help define it, but thats only if it looks somewhat decent.
If I could offer a compromise, why not a 4-frame animation like this?
In a traditional 4-frame walk cycle like recme's, you draw
one new frame for your up/down animations and
two new frames
for your side animations. So it goes stand-left-stand-right with every other frame being a standing frame.
In this style of animation, you draw
two new frames for your up/down animations and
four for your side animations. For the up/down animation, you just flip the first 2 frames for second 2 frames. The result looks smoother than a traditional walk cycle but doesn't require as much work as a 6-frame or 8-frame animation (overkill for a sprite this small). And if that sounds like too much work, you can even mix the two styles and do
two frames for your up/down animations and
two for your side animations.
This is a thread about recme's sprite and NOT an essay on FPS, anime and cartoon. Stop derailing this further and actually give the man a help.
soft-deleting posts that doesn't pertain to the sprite.
As for actual genuine critique, give recme a nose in the side poses. the North walking pose looks weird too (the idle frame is alright, the legs passing however looks weird. Look for SNES rpgs to see how they did that)
To reiterate what I said then, I feel that maybe something should be done with the hair when he walks, so that it sways a bit or something. currently the motion makes it look plastic like.
I also feel that the shading on the middle sprite in the walking up set doesnt make sense on the legs. I do not think the light would catch on his thighs. I feel that should be in total shadow.
I think waluigi needs more contrast on his shoes as well. I think he might also be a bit too detailed compared to recme, but maybe recme is meant to look out of place compared to 'official' characters?
@dragondeplatino as much as id like to add more frames, rpgmaker doesnt really allow that. not only that, but workload would be increased. ill just stick to 3 frame animations for now
@gors ill add the nose and try editing his back
@valo ill definitely change the hair so that it doesnt look stiff. i dont understand what you mean about the shading. can you show an example if possible?
recme is simple compared to other characters because of his simple design, so thats why he seems outta place in comparison. think of ness and lucas in smash bros. ill tone down waluigi's arms, but i think his face needs some of the detail in order to define the details.
![[Image: UCfhv2s.png]](
by no means a 'working' edit, but i think it gets the idea across. by playing with the shading, you can make the limbs appear more in 3d space. Like adding shadow to the arms like that make it appear to bend forward in 3d space somewhat. same with with the legs.