(11-16-2015, 09:18 AM)psychospacecow Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, can we close this thread? This conversation usually goes in a bad place pretty damn quickly.
no, no, no it's fine - until we start making personal attacks, it's all good. The thread's been derailed - though it might be a good idea to separate the following discussion from Ray's post onward, and stick it in the Real Life forum.
(11-16-2015, 08:54 AM)Lemonray Wrote: [ -> ] (11-15-2015, 08:44 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]but at the same time shows that not all Muslim people are extremists.
One big problem is that most people globally who would call themselves islamic, do have extremist mindsets, even if the level of dedication varies from person to person.
Uhhh now that's just nitpicking apart my post, lol (and not only that, that comes off as pretty racist)
I'm not sure if you're using the wrong choice of words, or...what's going on here. Perhaps I should have stated "radical extremists", as Daesh
definitely has more radicalized thoughts than your typical, peaceful mosque-visiting Muslim. You could easily say the same thing about Christians, Jews - any religious belief. I mean, a lot of Christians globally are some
pretty wacky people - so you could even argue that we've got a lot of Christian extremists worldwide, too. But even most of those "extreme" Christians don't go out of their way to intentionally hurt others (except maybe the Westboro Baptist Church - and that's morally, not physically - but that's a topic for another time)
More or less, in 2015 when many countries allow you to freely practice your religion, there's nothing
wrong with being a strong practicioner of one's faith per se - so long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of others (y'know - like killing others because your God said so. That's not cool)
In Syria, right now - Daesh is currently "practicing" a radicalized, Salafist version of Islam that promotes religious violence, and regards Muslims who don't agree with its interpretations (and everybody else, of course) as infidels. Daesh's goal, basically is to return the world to the Middle Ages - and practice what's basically early Islam. Like: imagine the fundamentalist Muslim governments that already existed in the Middle East. Except like fifty times more fundamentalist.
Fuck cars. Our faith and love of our fellow man is enough to get us around town. Oh, you have a daughter? She's beautiful - and she's my wife now. Age doesn't matter

Though she's not pure in the eyes of MY God, so maybe I'll need to beat it into her. And y'know - I'm not really that into blue eyes after all. Hey, buddy I've got a great offer for ya - I'll give you my wife for that bottle of Pepsi you've got in your hand.
They...also believe in an impending apocalypse unless they fix it all.
Their main recruitment tool is basically "yo look at all this shit that happened recently. *points to recent events that line up with prophecies in the Quoran*
see this? we're on the path to getting majorly screwed. we're all screwed. you cant avoid that fact. except us. we're not as screwed because we talked to allah and he's like 'yo bro i got you but only you guys. not even other muslims because theyre not as xhardcorex as all yall'. join us and you wont be as screwed as you are when you're dead. plus we're gonna prevent The End from happening. in fact you'll get 72 virgins when you die as an early termination bonus"
That's...not the same Islam as what's practiced throughout the world. Most Muslim people aren't sold on the apocalyptic premise - and most Muslim people are actually fairly peaceful, nice people. Who yeah, maybe some are very strict about applying the teachings of the Quoran into their everyday life - but definitely don't take a militant view on the religion, partake in religious violence nor do they impress their beliefs on others.