How i can convert a .mdl in to .obj without losing the multiple texture mapping?
Everytime i have a model with only one texture....
Blenden or noesis but i have some Problems with quake 2 mdl's.
I have tryed noesis but still the same problems.
I don't find blenden, where is?
Google sends me to blender..
(01-24-2016, 12:17 AM)Smakkohooves Wrote: [ -> ]I have tryed noesis but still the same problems.
I don't find blenden, where is?
Google sends me to blender..
I believe it is a typo on his behalf. The program called "Blender" is most likely the one you're looking for.
Sorry my misstake. I write with my mobiltelephone and the are corect automatic.
If you like you can uploade your .mdl file with textures and I looking how i can do for you.
Here is the models, with the related files
(Except for the textures)
Sorry, but i can not loading anione of mdl files.
I see the mdl file is very small ( monster_a_head=3 KB ).
Please tell me which game and platform.
I have solved, just have to convert it in to a obj with noesis, Then convert it again with blender in to Dae/3ds, and it works fine.
(09-19-2016, 10:45 PM)sutinoer Wrote: [ -> ]Which game was the?
Portal 2
You know, its the same way for Portal 1 too?
If you're trying to convert .MDL into a usable format, have you tried using Crowbar? It works a lot more reliably than Noesis does.
Yeah. Just use Crowbar, or the tools in the Source games themselves. You can get the SMDs from it, and open it in an editor like KHED. Textures for Source games (.VTF) can be cracked open with many image editors.
Been compiling/compiling Source models for awhile, so I can at least help.
I'm a bit late, I was going to suggest crowbar, but it looks like that's already been said here.
What is Crowbar, its a tool, applicatio, Editor or engine? Please send a link or link to wiki.