I present you :
It's (currently) an online mario game with a level I have created and
featuring an powerup : acorn

Mario animations is included.
You can play it directly in your (recent HTML5) navigator without any plugin !
Link to game :
(Sorry for the ad

, it's my host, I will create a version without ad

Reload the page if it don't run or if there are a red bar.
I have created a topic for add the possibility of playing the game and
suggest me new levels using any tilemap (mario worlds subject)
I will add it to the game.
You can create it in Tiled

Well, actually it took me some time to load, i reloaded the page few times and it worked (The problem is not your game, im pretty sure is my internet

The game is good (Considering its Mario

), The screen is extremely small... Maybe you want to give it a zoom? or bigger sprites?
-I know you know about using the boxes! Mario cant hit the boxes when he is over them or their sides, if you wanted that then... You should not play the sounds when you touch them
-When you jump, when you touch the ground without stop pressing the keys you will keep walking with jumping sprite... (pretty odd)
-The PowerUp box should change sprite when used
Well as i said even the Boxes are way bigger than Mario .-., Good luck

Yes the bugs are strange...
I will upload a fix with big screen and more small sprites (the block is bigger of Mario !), it will play the sfx once.
But I don't think the power up change when used ?
(02-18-2016, 12:28 PM)iyenal Wrote: [ -> ]Yes the bugs are strange and... funny !
I will upload a fix with big screen and more small sprites (the block is bigger of Mario !), it will play the sfx once.
But I don't think the power up change when used ?
They arent funny
Ok, lets wait and see for the update!
I dont get it? i mean, the block is yellow, when Mario hit them it should Throw the PowerUp and turn Brown or Stop being Yellow... Yours stays Yellow >.<
And last question, The game is going to be "online"? I mean, real time playing with other people or at least keeping stuff saved in database? (If answer is not then, The name shouldnt be Mario Adventure HTML5 HD?)
You can play it online and I will add a forum where anyone can submit levels ideas for the game but the saves will be stored in your computer as cookies.
I have choosed the name ONLINE because you can play it directly in the navigator, but he will soon more online with options I have named before.
A version with 1080p format will out with also new level: water.
(04-07-2016, 07:37 AM)iyenal Wrote: [ -> ]A version with 1080p format will out with also new level: water.
That wasnt neccesary, just let us know when you already finished the new version

Yes, I have do just a changelog.
Now I have to upload it on server.
Other info : an mobile will (probably but not sure, due of touch controls ergonomy) out. (Android,Tizen)
Mario is really TINY judging from those screenshots, honestly. I think he could use some resizing, just some advice.
The problem is after resizing, Mario is pixelisated. But in the new version anything is scaled with Mario Bros Series ratio.
Cool little game. Nicely done.
What are your plans for the game?
I got to the little castle, is there a way to go inside it?
(05-21-2016, 11:41 AM)Xander Wrote: [ -> ]What are your plans for the game?
I got to the little castle, is there a way to go inside it?
Plans ? ...I don't know...
Castle ? Now it isn't implemented, but it will be soon.
Good start, I understand your big issue, I've dealt with making these bitchy Mario physics, and item blocks can be a pain with the collision area and changing. I recommend using a specific instance of the block object with a ready variable that changes when struck. OOP(Object Oroented Programming) is a massive requirement in most games.
Good idea, currently I have implemented only a simple collision system. I'm already using Javascript for OOP.
Discontinued support. Reason : strategic change of development - projects restructuring.
You can ask me for sources, I can gladly give them privately for statistical reasons.