I originally used the logs from inside the Bear Bros. houses, but the tiling was even more obvious because there are fewer "clean" parts to use. I can try it again for curiosity's sake.
A quick mockup with logs at the bottom. (Also reposted for new page):
Obviously they'd need to be recolored to match. Thoughts? Preferences?
I'm thinking I'm about done with this, unless someone can figure out a good door for me.
EDIT: Ignore the legs. They're hella messed up.
you adding a klap trap to it?

Klaptrap added, and... I think I'm done with this one, unless I figure out a door solution.
So. Dreamland 64. Kirby 3 graphics?
go for it!
I might actually contribute with Smash 64 SMB stage too.
I recall there being some snow levels with cabins in them in DKC3. Maybe one of them has a door on it that could work?
Just a shot in the dark. I don't even recall if they have doors.
You're right about the door, but it's very tiny and mostly obscured by snow.
And Omega, YES.