Oh, I guess I forgot to address grabbing items and running...
I mean, I guess it depends how the game is being demade. You don't really need the dive/slide mechanic if the game is 2D. I think for picking up objects, you could change the properties of somethings so that they work like grab-objects work in SMB2... Stand on them, duck, press B. Running could work by holding B, but of course the way FLUDD works, he would be constantly spraying... Hm... In Sunshine, Mario's run isn't linked to a command, it's based on momentum. Maybe that would work here as well?
I figured a whole lot about the gameplay would have to be changed if you want to preserve the fludd functionality to focus more on usage of the device over acrobatics. Of course, at that point, it'd be hard to call it a (mainline) Mario game. Heck, it might not even be Sunshine either, but pretty much a different game altogether.
Note that I suppose it could still have Mario vs Donkey Kong style acrobatics that depend entirely on the A button in combination with multiple different states (e.g. ducking, hanging onto poles, handstand, ec.)
a snes smash bros wouldve been interesting. including guest stars from popular snes games, like chrono or geno. something like that, idk.
also, kirby returns to dreamland on gba would be cool in some sort of way
Here's a common one we've seen attempted many times...
Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask 2D. So often they're attempted in the A Link to the Past or Minish Cap/Four Swords style. But I'd love to see GBC demakes.
Not enough love for the C64 in here! Despite being weaker than the NES, the C64 had a really awesome aesthetic that's aged pretty well. The double-wide pixels, fantastic soundchip and strong palette for its size (16 vs the 53 of the NES) would make a lot of games look pretty cool. It's not as robust as the NES but its restrictions have made for some interesting demakes like
Super Bread Box.
I was mostly sticking with the GameGear and Gameboy for demakes, because they're the most powerful 8-bit systems, and we wouldn't have to put up with any arbitrary limitations and cuts for the demake like we would on prior 8-bit systems, lol. a 4MB GB cartridge can go a long way in the right hands. The older systems don't get that high, though, and so the games would be ridiculously shorter than usual, as well as not looking as nice, since they wouldn't have as much memory for unique tile graphics.
(02-20-2016, 08:53 PM)recme Wrote: [ -> ]a snes smash bros wouldve been interesting. including guest stars from popular snes games, like chrono or geno. something like that, idk.
also, kirby returns to dreamland on gba would be cool in some sort of way
This is actually something I used to think about a lot and guess I just forgot about when I made my other post.. but like, what would Super Smash Bros. have been if it were created on the SNES?
I guess the way I approach the topic isn't really a demake so much as an alternate history... Like, I don't think "What would it look to put Brawl on the SNES?" but more "What would have happened if the first Smash games was on the SNES?"
Would it have had more characters than the N64 version? Less? Would the physics have been all wonky, or would the Super FX chip have helped them figure that out? Who would the Nintendo All-Stars at the time be? Would Pikachu have earned his position, if the game was made during the end of the SNES era, or are we looking at a game that wouldn't have any Pokemon in it at all? Would its visuals have been sprites or pre-rendered images?
It would be nice to see Demon Souls/Dark Souls/Bloodborne on a 8-bit system or even as a computer (DOS, MSX, PC-88, etc.) game. Granted you'd lose the online element but that could be made up by adding more NPCs as summons, invaders, or invadees.
(02-21-2016, 08:36 AM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ] (02-20-2016, 08:53 PM)recme Wrote: [ -> ]a snes smash bros wouldve been interesting. including guest stars from popular snes games, like chrono or geno. something like that, idk.
also, kirby returns to dreamland on gba would be cool in some sort of way
This is actually something I used to think about a lot and guess I just forgot about when I made my other post.. but like, what would Super Smash Bros. have been if it were created on the SNES?
I guess the way I approach the topic isn't really a demake so much as an alternate history... Like, I don't think "What would it look to put Brawl on the SNES?" but more "What would have happened if the first Smash games was on the SNES?"
Would it have had more characters than the N64 version? Less? Would the physics have been all wonky, or would the Super FX chip have helped them figure that out? Who would the Nintendo All-Stars at the time be? Would Pikachu have earned his position, if the game was made during the end of the SNES era, or are we looking at a game that wouldn't have any Pokemon in it at all? Would its visuals have been sprites or pre-rendered images?
If Super SNES Brothers came out between 95-98, it could potentially have had the same cast as the N64 version, with Pikachu and Jigglypuff being those "weird characters from Japan-only games", much like Marth and Roy were in Melee.
An actual fire emblem character may have been more likely with ssbsnes than it was for ssb64, considering the snes had 3 fe games
possibly in jigglypuff's spot
I think Super Smash Land is a good summation of an actual GB port of Smash Bros if there were one. I like how vague the character sprites look. I've seen mockups and kinda-sorta NES/Famicom-style demakes of it, but they don't exactly follow the true NES/Famicom aesthetic. It would be cool to find a NES demake that's as accurate to the system as Super Smash Land is to the GB.
While we're on the subject of crossovers, I'd definitely like to see a CPS2-style demake of popular crossovers such as UMVC3/SFxT/CvS2/etc. Funny enough, UMVC3 and SFxT never had arcade versions.
(02-20-2016, 08:58 PM)Koh Wrote: [ -> ]Here's a common one we've seen attempted many times...
Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask 2D. So often they're attempted in the A Link to the Past or Minish Cap/Four Swords style. But I'd love to see GBC demakes.
From what I've seen, the current OOT 2D project (if nintendo doesn't shut it down) is pretty impressive. I don't really have any issue with the art style they've chosen. It's rather some of their general design choices I do not quite appreciate. Also, I'll just say, not that I hate super-restrictive color palettes, but personally, I'm not a big fan of them.
![[Image: igsayD8.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/igsayD8.jpg)
I don't know how it could be done, but that's also partially why I'd love to see what could be done with Borderlands.
I personally would love to see Kirby Super Star Ultra, Kirby Returns to Dreamland, and Kirby Triple Deluxe get GBA demakes in the Kirby Advance style, if done right. Same with the idea of Mega Man Powered Up getting a NES demake, or with Paper Mario (N64) and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door getting Yoshi's-Island-styled GBA demakes.
Those three Kirby games could easily be converted if done right, though some parts of those games might need to be changed, such as the background-foreground aspect of Triple Deluxe or the bottom screen of KSSU being demoted to a menu screen accessible from either Start or Select. The motion controls from KRtD where you shake the Wii Remote would probably be demoted to a button or something (Maybe the L or R button?) Let's see...Wii Remotes have the following buttons: +, -, A, B, 1, and 2, along with the D-pad. The Game Boy Advance had Start, Select, A, B, X, Y, L, and R, along with the D-Pad. Yup, the GBA has more buttons when you don't factor in the Wiimote Nunchuk (which isn't used in KRtD anyway). As for Kirby Triple Deluxe, the analog-pad wasn't really used in a way that couldn't be done with a normal D-pad, as far as I'm aware? I can't remember, it's been a while since I've played Triple Deluxe. I'm pretty sure a lot of the mechanics of the motion control with the Wiimote could easily be substituted with buttons in a GBA remake, but maybe you guys could correct me on that?
As for a Mega Man Powered Up NES demake, I've seen some users online who seem to be working on such a thing, but most of them either don't really look that good, or they haven't really updated their account/channel anytime recent regarding said projects. Either way, I feel a decent NES demake could be made if someone put the time and effort into it who has the right skills to pull it off. Considering that I've not played Powered Up, I really can't delve into the schematics of it other than that I've seen gameplay of it online. I really wish I knew more about the controls of the game so that I could delve further into how such a demake would work, but alas.
Lastly, PM64 and TTYD could probably work on the GBA...if you made it so that you traveled through 2D areas as opposed to 3D areas, kind of like pressing up on the D-pad in certain spots like entering a door, that would change the area's look like how pressing A in Super Paper Mario flips from 2D to 3D, except you're flipping from 2D to a different set of 2D. Not sure how to explain that without showing, but then I've not been able to animate the example I'd been working on because it takes up too much memory and my computer's a PoS that can't handle 3D models very well (which is why I've not re-installed Autodesk Maya on it despite having two working keys for it still). But regardless, I still think such a think could work if a system was implemented of combining button taps, presses, and holds like in Banjo Tooie, (such as A+A, B+B, A+B, B+A, etc.) to allow for a wider range of commands to be used. Like, maybe Start would be Pause, pressing Start while holding R would show the player's stats (like Z did in TTYD, or R in PM64), and the C-stick and C-buttons would probably be mapped to holding R and moving with the D-pad or if that wouldn't work, perhaps mapped to holding R and pressing A, B, X, or Y instead? Perhaps holding R on its own wouldn't do anything, except to change the function of other buttons? Maybe the dash function from PM64 could be mapped to Select?