Hello, I am Tapika, and I took a break from spriting.
During that time all the spriting stuff from Pixeltendo went over to here, so I guess I'll show my new stuff here. But now I'm back!
By the way, if you don't know what the abbreviations are, they're Kirby's Dreamland 3 and Super Mario World edits. If you hate edits leave now.
I might be a bit rusty since last time I tried, but with further adue...
![[Image: bjsmw.png]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/TTOT/Smackjeeves/bjsmw.png)
Bowser Jr, SMW style/edit
I edited it from one of the smaller Koopa kids. I made it for a fangame that collapsed under my weight. 
Not submitting this guy.
Now for the biggie...
R.O.B., KD3 edit, nonexistant style (V3)
I'm quite proud of this one. It's my most recent work.
I based it off the original Fanicom robot, which means the hands are fullblack and the arms a solid block of plastic. However, the moves are based off Brawl, otherwise it would be boring.
Goes in Nintendo-Smash-Custom Any style/Brawl and (Possibly) Nintendo-Other-Other/Accessories or Consoles.
Well, if you like
them it, please comment.
Well, let's see now...
Not much to say about Bowser Jr, just a simple edit. As for R.O.B., here's some pointers:
-It might just be me, but his head seems to expand when facing 45 degrees.
-Please, do not use MS Paint default colors. If you are using the KD3 style, pick colors from that game's palette, if you don't think you're able to make your own palette.
- Why are you using people in other styles as reference? it could be very inaccurate.
-It's pillow-shaded.
Quote:Pillow shading is a type of shading that goes from the darkest shade (outside) to the lightest (inside), and has its light source inside. Unless the characters are all lanterns, that's pretty impossible... (And even then..)
Visual v
![[Image: pillowshs6.png]](http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/6229/pillowshs6.png)
-I understand that the design is supposed to be "simple", but that's not an excuse for being cheap. The arms should
at least have shading, especially in a style such as KD3.
All in all, it needs much improvement, but it's a nice try.
(11-08-2008, 07:14 AM)Furs Wrote: [ -> ]Well, let's see now...
Not much to say about Bowser Jr, just a simple edit. As for R.O.B., here's some pointers:
-It might just be me, but his head seems to expand when facing 45 degrees.
-Please, do not use MS Paint default colors. If you are using the KD3 style, pick colors from that game's palette, if you don't think you're able to make your own palette.
- Why are you using people in other styles as reference? it could be very inaccurate.
-It's pillow-shaded.
Quote:Pillow shading is a type of shading that goes from the darkest shade (outside) to the lightest (inside), and has its light source inside. Unless the characters are all lanterns, that's pretty impossible... (And even then..)
Visual v
![[Image: pillowshs6.png]](http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/6229/pillowshs6.png)
-I understand that the design is supposed to be "simple", but that's not an excuse for being cheap. The arms should at least have shading, especially in a style such as KD3.
All in all, it needs much improvement, but it's a nice try.
-Does it? Strange...
-It wasn't designed in a particular style, just based off it.
-Sorry, it's just this comic has both styles co-existing in harmony, and I've been asked to make it for that comic.
-I know what Pillow shading is.
-Actually, I've been planning to add shading to the arms. Thanks for reminding me.
Thanks for the comment. I'll get right on the arms.
Bowser Jr. Looks to simple of an edit, but ROB isn't bad. Just listen to Furs, and you'll be fine.
-Thanks for the post and the good criticisim.

I agree about Bowser Jr, but I don't really care about him so I'm not doing him again.
I've uploaded V2.0 now. Enjoy the wonderful, shaded arms! And before you ask, they AREN'T pillow shaded.

Very good starts. Can't wait for more.
Thank you, Tonberry.

I was thinking about making all the Brawl poses and submitting ROB into the Brawl project, but it seem the style isn't the same and someone's already doing him. ROB is my favorite Brawl character. Do you think if I make some more poses I could submit him to the Smash Bros Sprites (Any style) section?
Yeah, keep heading in the direction you're in and it will go up on the site for sure.
Thanks again, Tonberry,
Also, I've added V2.103 (Don't ask about the 03 >.> ) up on the first post, which completes the main set of Smash attacks! It's only a maybe about making 'Normal' or ledge attacks. I'm not sure if I'm making ledge at all, although it seems like a simple sprite edit so I might.
SMW Bowser Jr. is okay. Everything wrong is either minor or the style's fault.
ROB is pretty good too, but his arms look too big. The animations and big head are awesome, though.
Thanks for posting GFLK! (Don't ask)
Thanks, first positive thing I've heard about that guy since my days at Pixeltendo.
Thanks AGAIN for the positive comments on R.O.B.! ^^ I stuck to the original R.O.B.'s proportions. ??? Thanks about the animations, and about the (supposed to be) big head. ^^
Sorry for double post, but editing doesn't bump the topic. Or does it? Also, I didn't see anything about DPing in the rules.
V2.14 is online, with 'driving' pose (equivilent of walking) and (cheap) ledgeholding pose.
So, do people think I have enough sprites yet to submit? If no, what ones should I make next? Are they good enough? I NEED criticisim. I'm so anxious for it!
(11-08-2008, 05:58 AM)Tapika Wrote: [ -> ]If you hate edits leave now.
Well, if you like them, please comment. 
Who doesnt hate edits? Besides, they suck anyway.
(sorry for being so harsh, but that's the truth.)
No, edits don't suck. Bad edits suck.
Anyway, looking back, I think ROB's head is a bit too tall when he's facing to the side. As for poses, maybe do as many SSBB sprites as you can manage?