I've been recording whatever on my phone and uploading them to YouTube, complete with strange music. No, this isn't some kind of ARG, but it's inspired by various channels on YouTube that have been dubbed mysterious.
There's not really a message behind all of this. I was just bored.

yessss the Mysterious must spreadddd
I just watched the entire series of videos, and I gotta say I really like them. They remind me of some of the videos Troy Wagner made for Marble Hornets, especially the videos he made for the totheark side channel, except your videos are much less chaotic and more calm in nature. I also really like the BG music selections for the vids. I'm hope you make more of these in the future.
(05-17-2016, 10:36 PM)DurradonXylles Wrote: [ -> ]I just watched the entire series of videos, and I gotta say I really like them. They remind me of some of the videos Troy Wagner made for Marble Hornets, especially the videos he made for the totheark side channel, except your videos are much less chaotic and more calm in nature. I also really like the BG music selections for the vids. I'm hope you make more of these in the future.
![[Image: DRh0YvS.gif]](
Thank you so much! I don't get praise for my work very often (not that it's a bad thing, I'm just not great at networking with other artists xD), so I'm very flattered by your compliments and critique!
Yeah, ARG's did inspire me quite a bit c:. Even meatsleep which wasn't even an ARG (it was some kind of internet experiment performed by different people from around the world) was super interesting for me to follow. It's a shame there are so many gullible kids (and adults, I won't judge) who ruin the fun of ARG's by starting drama - that's kinda what drew me away from them, to be honest

I do find those weird ARG videos a bit overly-spooky and chaotic at times, so for this little series I decided to make the tone more trippy (especially with the music since I listen to a lot of alternative/experimental artists in my spare time), rather than a horror-filled jumpscare-fest.
But thanks again! I'll definitely add some more in the future ~