Garfield has been pretty mellow lately, as from where I've shopped around. I haven't seen any merchandise of him in years.
Plus it's the most syndicated comic in the world. So even if you don't like it, the comics themselves can still be relatable.
With Ghostbusters right now. It has, unsurprisingly, underperformed at the box office. Doesn't help with what else is out at the same time.
Another reason for it was the fact the cast and crew insulted their audience in everything they were on, alienating them even more.
They also ignored the fact there ARE women who are fans of the franchise and hated it just as much. Such as Comicbookgirl19.
Like James Rolfe, she had the same opinion about it, but she wasn't attacked like him either. All because she wasn't a man.
So this movie is only going to be remembered for the controversy surrounding it, rather than the movie itself.
Even though I still haven't seen it. Reviews, the plot leak on Reddit, and clips leaked, via phones, have already spoiled it for me.
All I can say after seen the clips, I feel disappointed and didn't laugh at any of the jokes.
The Bill Murray cameo had to be most insulting thing to any fan of the originals. He even looked like he didn't want to be there.
Doesn't help that he and the other original cast members were only doing cameos because they would get sued if they didn't.
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man's cameo felt like an insult as well. Here he is a parade balloon and gets popped by Kritsen Wiig with a knife.
Slimer looks way too animated to look convincing. And why the eff does he have a girlfriend that's just him with a wig & makeup?!
Poor dude, felt like a waste of a good character.
All Kate Mckinnin's character did was make annoying voices, pop culture references and cringeworthy one-liners.
Even explaining a pun at one point. Explaining a joke just wrecks the humor.
They were killing the ghosts rather than actually busting them in the climax. It also sucks how they're all just generic human ghosts.
If you saw anything Ghostbusters before. Ghosts could take forms of eldritch proportions. Yes, even in the first two movies.
The fact the main villain pulls a "which form do you choose?" thing out of his ass with no explanation just makes you facepalm.
When he turns into the logo, he's a 2D animated ghost. But quickly turns into a CGI kaiju that raises even further questions.
Man, what a waste of perfectly good 2D animation as it looked well done.
It was also dumb how the Ecto-Shitbox (This film's more inferior car) ended up as the overly cliche "Chekhov's gun" or macguffin type thing.
The way they treat Keven looked like they were dealing with someone mentally disabled, rather than someone cartoonishly stupid.
Bad enough that, as every negative review pointed out, every male character was either an idiot or an asshole.