Hey, I've been working on the new version that constructs them as you asked (I'm also making it so it can convert just from a single .pac), but the issue with Oni is still on my mind. Did you ever fix that? If not, did you try using Oni_p1.pal?
Oh. Thanks, puggsoy

I'll wait for the program. About Oni, yes, I could fix it. I just used the wrong .pal. The correct one is 'Oni.pal', not 'Oni_p1.pal.' That was my mistake

Alrighty, done!
Same link as before. Slightly changed usage:
Usage: DBFCPacTool inFile outDir
inFile: The .pac file to extract. Can alternatively be a folder of .pac files
outDir: The folder to save the converted files to
This should take a pac and convert all the sprites to their constructed glory! Way easier than doing it by hand. Props to Sosfiro for figuring out the format, that made this really easy to make.
By the way, only now have I noticed just how
awesome these sprites look. I was testing with Accelerator and Last Order, and I was pretty blown away when I managed to get it to put them together. Really nice choice of game to rip from dude
As always, tell me if any of them screw up. I have a suspicion about Oni but haven't tested. There's probably something I can do if there is an issue with it.
(12-19-2016, 07:17 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]Alrighty, done! Same link as before. Slightly changed usage:
Usage: DBFCPacTool inFile outDir
inFile: The .pac file to extract. Can alternatively be a folder of .pac files
outDir: The folder to save the converted files to
This should take a pac and convert all the sprites to their constructed glory! Way easier than doing it by hand. Props to Sosfiro for figuring out the format, that made this really easy to make.
By the way, only now have I noticed just how awesome these sprites look. I was testing with Accelerator and Last Order, and I was pretty blown away when I managed to get it to put them together. Really nice choice of game to rip from dude 
As always, tell me if any of them screw up. I have a suspicion about Oni but haven't tested. There's probably something I can do if there is an issue with it.
Very good tool, puggsoy! Thank you very much

It works with almost .pac, except for 6 of them:
(I mark all the .pal that they have.)
Ako (Ako.pal / Ako_p1.pal)
Emi (Emi.pal / Emi_p1.pal)
Kur (Kur.pal / Kur_p1.pal / Kur_p2.pal / Kur_p3.pal)
Oni (Oni.pal / Oni_p1.pal)
Stm (Stm.pal / Stm_p1.pal)
Tgr (Tgr.pal / Tgr_p1.pal)
The error is the .pal. If you use the "_p1.pal", which is the case of the characters that I mentioned, they result with different colors, because these are particular color palettes for other secondary things of those characters.
For example, Oni (Shiba Tatsuya) uses the "Oni.pal" file as a color palette. However, if you use the "Oni_p1.pal" file, you indicate that you are using the color palette of his partner, Shiba Miyuki (the same character as the Sbm.pac file).
It is something that must be fixed to be able to rip all the characters. But, hey, the program is very well done. And I'm glad that you could understand my explanations XD
Right, I figured this might happen. I'll fix it later tonight, should be fairly easy.
EDIT: Okay, try downloading it again. Should be fixed now, tested it with Ako.
I finished ripping a Shirai Kuroko sprites. Also i would like to say thanks to puggsoy (for last version of his nice programm, that reduced ripping time from 2-3 weeks to 1,5 hour) and sosfiro (for *pac files from the game).
(12-21-2016, 07:30 AM)Antabus Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.mediafire.com/file/00dp98p1hdc026x/Krk.rar
I finished ripping a Shirai Kuroko sprites. Also i would like to say thanks to puggsoy (for last version of his nice programm, that reduced ripping time from 2-3 weeks to 1,5 hour) and sosfiro (for *pac files from the game).
Sorry Antabus. I submitted Shirai Kuroko before seeing your message. I used the actualised tool of puggsoy to rip them. I will include you in the credits of the sprites, so don't worry

can somebody upload the older version of this DBFCPacTool
i have pm puggsoy,but there's no answer yet
(03-17-2017, 02:30 PM)cikopi Wrote: [ -> ]can somebody upload the older version of this DBFCPacTool
i have pm puggsoy,but there's no answer yet
What are you trying to do with it? All the sprites and effects are already in the sprites resource.
Updated the program, same link.
Usage: DBFCPacTool inFile outDir [-p num]
inFile: The .pac file to extract. Can alternatively be a folder of .pac files
outDir: The folder to save the converted files to
-p: Use this flag to select a palette number
Basically there's now an option to choose the palette file, which is what you asked for in your PM. For example if you wanted to extract Ako.pac with the assist palette (Ako_p1.pal), you'd do this:
DBFCPacTool.exe Ako.pac output -p 1
To use the default .pal like normal, just omit that option.
i want the monochrome/grayscale sprites,just like how it looks in the original dds file
i dl the new version,but i can't seems to do that
what i need is a tool only to reconstruct the sprites into proper order,since doing it by hand is a pain to do
can you re update the tool ,so it will use the grayscale pal when converting the sprites to png
thanks for the update btw
Oh, I understand now. I thought you just wanted to be able to choose the palette. I've updated it again:
Usage: DBFCPacTool inFile outDir [-p num] [-g]
inFile: The .pac file to extract. Can alternatively be a folder of .pac files
outDir: The folder to save the converted files to
-p: Use this flag to select a palette number
-g: Use this flag to not use a palette (producing a greyscale image)
Just add the -g option and it should come out as you want.
thank you very much
this is how i want it
i have 1 more favor...
i'll just do it over pm, so i don't keep on bumping this thread
since the sprites already available for viewing anyway
(03-18-2017, 05:41 PM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, I understand now. I thought you just wanted to be able to choose the palette. I've updated it again:
Usage: DBFCPacTool inFile outDir [-p num] [-g]
inFile: The .pac file to extract. Can alternatively be a folder of .pac files
outDir: The folder to save the converted files to
-p: Use this flag to select a palette number
-g: Use this flag to not use a palette (producing a greyscale image)
Just add the -g option and it should come out as you want.
Hey. Thanks for this amazing tool. I am currently trying to use it with the new Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] and it is able to extract the sprites just fine, on the -g parameter, which I achieve to get. Is it possible that the tool extracts the images with the original indexed palette? The current approach of extracting the regular palette creates a wrong image:
The grayscale works properly, but both the paletted and the grayscale images come without an indexed pallete.
Thank you very much :

You did a great job with this!
Can you upload a couple of files for me to look at?