Hi everyone! I just wanted to once again quickly mention that we have two new site staff. So, please welcome both Anex and ThatTrueStruggle who will both be helping tackle the absolutely massive backlog of tMR submissions! Thank you both in advance for your hard work!
Glad to be able to help out Petie! I'm very honored and will do my best

Great to have two more awesome people on board! Thanks a bunch for helping, guys!
Extra help on models is definitely appreciated, welcome to both of you!
It's great to be on the team! Hope I can live up to all of you guys' expectations!
Oh man, that's awesome. Good luck, guys! Glad to have you on board!
Couldn'tve picked two cooler peeble to recruit! Welcome to the super secret staff family clubhouse.

(09-19-2016, 11:17 AM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]Couldn'tve picked two cooler peeble to recruit! Welcome to the super secret staff family clubhouse. 
Shh... they can't see that one

(09-19-2016, 11:17 AM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]Couldn'tve picked two cooler peeble to recruit!
that's debatable
welcome to the sortfamily i guess. maybe one day i'll be able to sift through queues of sprites like the best of 'em :')
edit: oh. its modelfriends. top modelers. model royalty. heck nvm i cant do that lmbo