Or in this case,one old computer dragon. =P
These two are my first two sprite sheets (which I posted on MFGG.net under the name of GlassGecko). I was thinking of just posting it on MFGG, but I got over it so...anyways here are my custom sheets.Enjoy~
Apparently the Fracktail Sheet is kinda low in resolution when I uploaded the file to PhotoBucket(hence the gray lines on the outline), so here is the MFGG URL.
Comments anyone?
Looks good... for textures? Also, what about some head-on views, like when Mario turns 3D and Fracktail starts coming from one end of the arena?
The dragon isn't a sprite.
Hmm...Ill try making that Fracktail position.Thanks for the suggestion.
Wha?Its not a sprite?Then...um,what is it?

Photoshopped. It's just art. Poor art at that.
(11-18-2008, 11:10 AM)Geo the Fox Wrote: [ -> ]Photoshopped. It's just art. Poor art at that.
Wait what? Photoshopped? I took that pic of Fracktail thats on the sheet and another pic from Google and took at least 2-3 weeks on MSPaint getting most of the details correct from those said pics. Meh...maybe I should just ditch this Sprite Sheet and do another one (with a smaller scale). Now that I noticed, I'm not too good at "colossal" sprites.=P
Wish me luck...
2-3 weeks?!
I could have done that in a sit down.
For that much work, I'd expect better quality. Try smaller sheets, and try to do fuller, more complete sheets.
Well, remember this was one of my first sprite sheets (heck I could do a better job now...) Besides, I mentioned in my last post that im not good at these "giant" sheets. But thanks anyways.
Dude, I am GlassGecko

Because it's photoshoped, I cant really give that many crits. But I would say the colors need better hues. The shading is off and too cylindrical, and your lines are too jagged.
(11-18-2008, 07:42 PM)CeeY Wrote: [ -> ]Because it's photoshoped, I cant really give that many crits. But I would say the colors need better hues. The shading is off and too cylindrical, and your lines are too jagged.
Once again, I have to point out that I did this ONLY on MSPaint,not PhotoShop. But besides that everything else you said is true. Thanks.
I took the upper jaw and Graphic Gale says it has 697 colors
Either you're that retarded to use a hundred colors on MSPaint or you didn't make this in MSPaint. You also rotated some sprites. Unless I am unaware of a version of MSPaint where you can rotate sprites, then you're lying about using ONLY MSPaint.
You'd know if a sprite were rotated because of the lineart "skipping", or having jumping anti-aliasing. Some parts of the sheet do have both, pointing to rotation.
There are also some colors used in only one pixel over a very large area, particularly the colors you used to aa the edges etc.
Let me guess; you don't even know how to anti-alias properly. You did this in a program other than MSPaint, better confess now, before... Well, my guess is you're pretty much ruined anyway.
I'm confused.
Are you guys sure that you looked at the right version of the fracktail sheet? The non-scaled-by-photobucket one?
(11-17-2008, 08:11 PM)Coffee Alloys Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently the Fracktail Sheet is kinda low in resolution when I uploaded the file to PhotoBucket(hence the gray lines on the outline), so here is the MFGG URL.
On the correct sheet, there isn't anti aliasing at all. And stuff. But I have to agree on the rotating thing.
By the way, the animation in your sig looks horrible, Coffee Alloys. What app did you use?
If it's MS GIF Animator... set 'Import Dither Method' to 'Solid'.
I'll criticize it as a sprite now then.
The Lineart is very lazy. I really think there should be more sizes of body parts. In addition, all you did was crop off part of the bigger body piece to make the smaller one. Now it looks stupid like that, especially since those rings remain the same size.
Needs more contrast.
The shading is incorrect. You shaded it as if the body and face were round--they're not. They're square. In addition, the light source is inconsistent around the head.
The "rings" on the body are blocky. And too thick...
I think the wings should be resprited to flap, not rotated.
Not much crits on the eyes, though the rings in the eyes bother me... and not just because of the lack of contrast.
Make the tail-hair-things bend and sway. Basically, more animation.
The lineart for the nose is very pixely. Make it more smooth.
Too lazy to point out more... As far as positive notes for it goes... Uh... the general lineart is kinda accurate, I guess. Nice job, maybe.
Time to answer some things.
Well for the rotation thing I have to admit,kind of flunked.And yes I forgot to mention I used another program to rotate the parts. With this being one of my first sheets, I had no idea what program to use to rotate the mouth. So, since I use Flash to make animations (youtube.com/xxdragonclawzxx), I decided to use it to rotate the jaw. Heck, how was I suppose to know it was gonna turn out that way?I was only getting started.
About the signature thing, I used Flash.(Yeah strange quality eh?).I exported this from the Flash Project, and...BAM!Bad quality(and yes I know how to adjust quality.However,it came out like that -.-).If bothers you though I can remove it.
Geo the Fox:
True.Sorta rushed on the body.
Rushed on this part too.
True.Couldn't get shading right.
Didn't notice that earlier.Thanks for pointing that out.
True.May try to fix that.
True.Just look at Wracktail's eyes.
Will try and fix the tail.
Going to try fixing that.
Thanks for the positive notes.
In closing:Well this sheet is pretty much screwed.After reading all these comments I can see that. I'll try to fix some of the problems on the sheet, but might move on to a sprite sheet of a smaller scale. I'm just begginng
as a spriter so I sorta expected to recieve comments like these. Hey but thats what you get for rushing.Anyways, I'm done here.
BTW forgot to mention,anyone gonna criticize my Frackle Sheet? Thats one sheet I don't mind on updating.(I suck at huge sheets remember O_o)
EDIT:Heres the edit on Fracktail's shading:
Is it better?Or worst?