Post here to talk about your favorite hero(es) to use in Overwatch. My favorites would have to be Pharah and D.Va. Pharah because her rocket launcher hurts more than a Dragonstrike to the balls, and D.Va because she's just a lot of fun to use.
Man, its hard for me to pick favorites. This game makes it harder. The character I have the most playtime with is Lucio so I guess it'd be him. Of course, my favorite to play is Symmetra (plus, she autistic which is nice.).
Tracer and Junkrat
Dva comes to a close third given how much I played her when the game came out.
I actually play all the heroes equally and don't have a favorite. oops
A lot of people assume mine is Reinhardt when in actuality I think he's got the most boring playstyle. Mei is really good when I'm desperate to turn a game around (and I fully acknowledge this whenever I do by means of Cheap Shit), but I probably have the most fun while playing Hanzo. There's just something really satisfying about getting a headshot from across the map with a bow and arrow