Hey hey heres a new idea I got to spice up the arts board a lil bit. It's a simple contest. This duel(hopefully there'll be more after this

) you'll be drawing foot wear, by that I mean; shoes, socks, sandels, boots etc. etc. Due date is this Friday then we vote on who wins. Winner decides next duel any body can enter no person limit either the bigger the better!
Is there any limitation, like what we can use to draw?
Nemica Wrote:Is there any limitation, like what we can use to draw?
Nope non at all. Use paper pencil, colored pencil, paint. Graphics tablet, chalk, a chunk of stone if you really want to.... so yeah really anything goes

Damn no scanner and my tablet hasn't arrived yet or I would be on this! xP Seriously though it will be cool to see this grow if it does.
I would enter if only we weren't in the middle of moving house

Ehhh finals got me down too I'll give it 2 more weeks for you all to enter.