So I have been ripping some League of Legends models.
I wanted to upload all ten of the new
Elementalist Lux skins models.
However, I've only been able to extract eight of them using wooxy and blender.
I cant seem to extract Elementalist Lux's
Light and
Water forms/models.
Can anyone help? I'm not sure why I can't extract those two specifically, but I don't want to upload an incomplete set to the site.
I have these eight models below ready for upload! I just need the last two.
Here are the models I've ripped so far:
Fire, Dark, Air, Water - Mystic, Magma, Nature, Storm)
light and
water models do this and it is why I cannot extract them:
PLEASE HELP! I really wanna upload these models all together :c
it may not seem important but its something I really just wanted to do
(11-22-2016, 01:43 PM)sutinoer Wrote: [ -> ]How you do this?
I use wooxy.
You download wooxy, open it
then go to creation studio>files extractor>Lol_gameclient>DATA>Characters
Then find the file you want,check it and hit extract.
Then you should have .skn and .skl files and the .dds files.
Open those in blender with the LoL script/addon.
Here my way:
Hier sind zwei Tools für das Kopieren von Modellen:
RafExtractor, Extrakt Modelle von LoL . Ordner
lol 2dea SKN Modelle DEA - Modelle (suport Animationen zu) konvertieren.
Vergessen Sie nicht , dds Häute zu png konvertieren.
Link für das Werkzeug hier:
Watch out für verschiedene Modelle und Texturen. Einige sind älter.
Zur Orientierung hier eine nette Spaß Seite:
http: // www. Lol
I hope you have more luck.
(11-22-2016, 02:51 PM)sutinoer Wrote: [ -> ]Here my way:
Hier sind zwei Tools für das Kopieren von Modellen:
RafExtractor, Extrakt Modelle von LoL . Ordner
lol 2dea SKN Modelle DEA - Modelle (suport Animationen zu) konvertieren.
Vergessen Sie nicht , dds Häute zu png konvertieren.
Link für das Werkzeug hier:
Watch out für verschiedene Modelle und Texturen. Einige sind älter.
Zur Orientierung hier eine nette Spaß Seite:
http: // www. Lol
I hope you have more luck.
I'm afraid I cannot download whatever you sent because the server is in another country :c
Can someone please help? :/
I have the other 8 models to this Lux skin but I cant get the last two.
I would love to add them to the site, but I do not want to upload an incomplete Elementalist Lux set

I cannot be the only one who rips LoL models....
Which skins are you looking for?
Please with or do you mean skin 9 and skin 10?
(11-29-2016, 09:53 AM)sutinoer Wrote: [ -> ]Which skins are you looking for?
Please with or do you mean skin 9 and skin 10?
I am looking for Elementalist Lux's
light and
water models.
I managed to rip these eight, but I cannot rip the last two.
(11-29-2016, 09:53 AM)sutinoer Wrote: [ -> ]Which skins are you looking for?
Please with or do you mean skin 9 and skin 10?
So basically I need these
![[Image: lux.jpg]](
Wow i long time dont play lol, but i take a look.
I found nothing about Elementalist Lux's. Did you knew the file direction for orientation?
I really nothing found. How server you are using? I am at Europa.
I use the North America server.
Did you update the game to the newest patch first before looking??