you can see my animation where my avatar is

........please dont be mean and say it sucks b/c im a
P.S. For some reason or another i cant put it as an attachment
in case u dont know what begginer mean it can mean novice or new or just started
P.P.S. RE please

It's too small, I can barely see it.
sorry but i really cant put it as an attachment
An attachment wouldn't help the size.
Anyways, it is just two different frames. A very simple thing to do. Now the sprite itself is pretty good for a beginner. The only big problems are the blue shirt needs more contrast for its shades and you should make his right arm less straight.
Obvious alt is obvious.
But it's quite a nice sprite. =]
way to make an alt to compliment yourself to try to get other people to do it too
in case you haven't realized, THAT DOESN'T WORK
yes, people, flame him, he deserves it. XD pretty cool sprite, what animating program did u use? btw, i told u not to make a alt account but SOMEBODY didnt listen....
It has terrible colors, and it has no shading.
hey, hey, hes a beginner. He began about a week ago, CY. under my watch >> (he didnt make this under my watch, however.)
btw, CY, how did u ever get 32 under rep?
(11-22-2008, 11:55 AM)thornmask Wrote: [ -> ]hey, hey, hes a beginner. He began about a week ago, CY. under my watch >> (he didnt make this under my watch, however.)
btw, CY, how did u ever get 32 under rep?
I was giving him honest crits, and hes banned anyway.
And yes he is a beginner, but if all you give someone is praise, than how are they supposed get any better.
And to believe, I welcomed him...
A mod can lock this any time.
(11-22-2008, 01:55 PM)megazario Wrote: [ -> ]Why is he banned.
It's a rule here that you're not allowed to have duplicate accounts. FirePaw is apparently a duplicate account of Stripedstar, which is why both are banned. (Stripedstar will be unbanned in a week, though.)