01-19-2017, 07:48 AM
![[Image: fungicappani_logo.png]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27090/fungicappani_logo.png)
![[Image: mushroomline.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27093/mushroomline.gif)
![[Image: cappani_minimush.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27092/cappani_minimush.gif)
![[Image: cappani_minimush.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27092/cappani_minimush.gif)
Fungi Cappani is a game developed by Hiro-sofT alone (however this might change in the future). It’s a mobile Jump ’n’ Run game for Android which will be made with the Game Maker Studio software. I might make a Windows version too. Many inspirations from this game are coming from classics like the Kirby series. This game is about a Fungi (a humanoid mushroom race) called Cappani, who possess the ability to float with her mushroom cap.
![[Image: cappaniclovers.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27091/cappaniclovers.gif)
![[Image: cappaniclovers.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27091/cappaniclovers.gif)
(Currently not available)
![[Image: cappani_minimush.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27092/cappani_minimush.gif)
![[Image: cappani_minimush.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27092/cappani_minimush.gif)
![[Image: androidgamegif_newprogress16012017.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27081/androidgamegif_newprogress16012017.gif)
![[Image: fungicappani_phonetest.gif]](https://picload.org/image/roagcdaa/fungicappani_phonetest.gif)
More are coming soon as time passes...
These screenshots are prototype screenshots from a prototype build of the game. Anything on these screenshots can differ from the final version of this game and therefore they doesn’t represent the final versions experience.
![[Image: cappaniclovers.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27091/cappaniclovers.gif)
![[Image: cappaniclovers.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27091/cappaniclovers.gif)
In order to beat the game you must reach the goal in every required level of each world. To complete a world you have to beat its main boss. You must overcome a number of obstacles and challenges on your journey.
Beside the basic ability to jump and run, Cappanis mushroom cap allows her to float and reach slightly higher or further places. For example, she can fly by using an upward stream of a wind tunnel.
In order to defend herself from enemies, she can use her spores to fight back, which can be released by certain actions (mainly through landing or by using her floaty hat). Cappanis spores can also being used for many other things rather than combat. Use them wisely to overcome obstacles in the world Cappani is living in.
![[Image: cappani_minimush.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27092/cappani_minimush.gif)
![[Image: cappani_minimush.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27092/cappani_minimush.gif)
A long time ago…
There was once a cute, little mushroom girl. She was called Cappani. Cappani is a cheerful and a bit shy Fungi, who is living with her parents on the Fine Fields. One day, her parents received a mysterious letter from the great king himself. It was an invitation to her parents to an audience with the great king, who wanted to show all his kindness to the inhabitants of his land. Her parents began to prepare for their visit at the Sweet Sanctum, the place where the king lives. Before they gone, they asked Cappani to keep an eye on their home and to take care of herself.
Since then, a week passed. Cappani got nervous and was unsure, if she should keep on waiting. But she is not a girl, who’s breaking promises. So she decided to keep waiting, hoping, that she will hear form her parents soon. Suddenly, during this night, her sleep was disturbed by loud and unknown noises. Scared by the noises, she jumped out of her bed and ran outside. The little Fungi was shocked. She saw a bunch of soldiers, who were about to steal all kinds of stuff from her home. Being caught redhanded the soldiers began to run away with some of the valuable items of Cappani and her parents. Cappani begins to chase after them.
Will Cappani get the stolen items back from her home? What happened to her parents? Why did the soldiers have stolen their belongings in the first place?
Looks like, an adventure is about to begin…
![[Image: cappaniclovers.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27091/cappaniclovers.gif)
![[Image: cappaniclovers.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27091/cappaniclovers.gif)
· Six worlds with 48 different levels to overcome (includes boss and bonus levels)
· Collectables (squid coins for unlockable stuff is one of them)
· Dangerous mid bosses and bosses with a great variety of attacks and patterns
· Custom crafted graphic assets, which are all drawn in a cute and colorful art style
· A simple story, which is easy to follow
· An advanced shop system (will include something like negotiations, discounts, offers and even a cute shop owner)
· In-game achievements (for bragging rights)
· Three minigames to play are included (A puzzle game called ”Train Tracks”, a reaction dungeon crawler named ”Cavern Quest” and a third minigame, which I still have no idea for)
· And a lot more secrets to discover…!
All these features are either in development or not even started. Most of those are ideas or rough concepts. The amount of features can change in the finalized version.
![[Image: cappani_minimush.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27092/cappani_minimush.gif)
![[Image: cappani_minimush.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27092/cappani_minimush.gif)
For more details about the concepts, please visit this site: http://hiro-soft.deviantart.com/gallery/...gi-Cappani
![[Image: dfa1b86890b112c063d5c61d2f3e559f-dayfrcj.png]](http://t11.deviantart.net/G9WpWhNe4-r3oTJoZLaUpVe5-vU=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre10/b4cb/th/pre/f/2017/040/d/f/dfa1b86890b112c063d5c61d2f3e559f-dayfrcj.png)
![[Image: 11274c3a85d980a82f33af3555202d63-dawvd1i.png]](http://t15.deviantart.net/atQhP1xRZn9ZQfL4_wsUP5YuxQo=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre12/87c1/th/pre/f/2017/027/1/1/11274c3a85d980a82f33af3555202d63-dawvd1i.png)
![[Image: d23d8f9af95a5d1f5752bcf8098dd202-dawvdzx.png]](http://t07.deviantart.net/oNAx8fxsFGiG41eUWKMbF8y-TFE=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre12/c0fa/th/pre/f/2017/027/d/2/d23d8f9af95a5d1f5752bcf8098dd202-dawvdzx.png)
![[Image: 582a3bee6f9a5e2f83299cf657f7a21e-dawve8p.png]](http://t09.deviantart.net/GOFTyIRNgcrv9M6k3AOjOpWZAeY=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre10/de3a/th/pre/f/2017/027/5/8/582a3bee6f9a5e2f83299cf657f7a21e-dawve8p.png)
![[Image: 7f6c1c7750fc37cef9966d3ae39380b2-dawvena.png]](http://t15.deviantart.net/lxpBGkqLhywau90TXRfHQkQsEa4=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre03/ed52/th/pre/f/2017/027/7/f/7f6c1c7750fc37cef9966d3ae39380b2-dawvena.png)
![[Image: fungi_cappani_concepts___squirll_by_hiro...awveuv.png]](http://t15.deviantart.net/UhluXyWNUasHvEZDX2Xpp-E42pg=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre07/ac01/th/pre/i/2017/027/e/8/fungi_cappani_concepts___squirll_by_hiro_soft-dawveuv.png)
![[Image: dfa1b86890b112c063d5c61d2f3e559f-dayfrcj.png]](http://t11.deviantart.net/G9WpWhNe4-r3oTJoZLaUpVe5-vU=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre10/b4cb/th/pre/f/2017/040/d/f/dfa1b86890b112c063d5c61d2f3e559f-dayfrcj.png)
![[Image: cappaniclovers.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27091/cappaniclovers.gif)
![[Image: cappaniclovers.gif]](http://share.cherrytree.at/showfile-27091/cappaniclovers.gif)
Android version:
Download the .apk file for the current prototype version (coming as soon the very first level is done)
Windows version: