(02-09-2018, 08:30 AM)Magma Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]Konami ruled the MSX. Wondering if you'll try their shoot'em ups.
As in ripping sprites from them? Probably... (Parodius still needs more stuff to be ripped). Playing them, however? I tried playing Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius, and I only got by the second level without save states and rewinds.
Man was the experience rough there.

Hehe, I'm talking about ripping their MSX shumps.
(02-09-2018, 10:03 PM)Magma Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]Hehe, I'm talking about ripping their MSX shumps.
I did rip some sprites from one them... although currently, I'm ripping sprites from "Motobug The Badnick" at the moment, so it may take a while before I rip more sprites from them.
I'm currently working on making a Sonic Spinball sheet to replace the pre-existing one. It'll contain palletes from the GBA version and the Genesis version, and a better background color. Currently all the sprites ripped so far are using the GBA pallete, but I'll probably make an update sooner or later to replace it.
Current progress in Sonic Spinball sheet: Gameplay sprites are... almost halfway done? I can't really tell, but I found the Spindash sprites.
(I's good that I have GGD to do this. Tile Molester wasn't doing it right.)
EDIT: Wait, they ARE almost done. I saw explosion sprites after the "Emerald Collected" sprites, so I'm pretty much through with them. It's off to the Intro/Ending sprites after this, or maybe even the Title ones.
I finally completed my Spinball sprite rip.
...but what should we do with the sprites that aren't in this sheet? Put them in a Miscellaneous sheet?
I decided to re-organize the other Sonic sheet into a Misc. sheet, with sprites on other sheets removed. Does it look good?
Pac-Man sprites from Pac-Mania (Arcade) are done.
More Animaniacs (Genesis) sprites. It's the cutscene sprites this time (but only the Warners). I'll get to the other cutscene stuff when I get there.
Just got done doing a Liquid Kids (strange name...) rip with Mame, that being Hipopo.
That tile viewer sure comes in handy when the game supports viewing the foreground object tiles at least
Anyway good rip, that thing looks like a pug.