How am I supposed to find proper palette for unused sprites from Kawaks tile viewer?
I'm well aware of that I have to find actual sprites from in-game screen to find their proper palette.
But what about palette for unused sprites if they're no where to be found from in-game screen?
(02-21-2017, 11:29 PM)SoldierRebel Wrote: [ -> ]How am I supposed to find proper palette for unused sprites from Kawaks tile viewer?
I'm well aware of that I have to find actual sprites from in-game screen to find their proper palette.
But what about palette for unused sprites if they're no where to be found from in-game screen?
Kawak's tile viewer usually only display palettes from its curent memory. If you don't find your sprite's palette by cycling the third slider, you'll be out of luck. You'll have to find the palette in the rom itself(which I don't know how to) if it even exists.

What game are you ripping from? I know a little bit about getting palettes from rom data.
(02-22-2017, 12:14 AM)Shade Wrote: [ -> ]What game are you ripping from? I know a little bit about getting palettes from rom data.
Metal Slug Series.
To be exact, Metal Slug 2 and X since they have tons of interesting unused sprites.