![[Image: 50538596.jpg]](http://research.pomona.edu/itsecurity/files/2016/04/50538596.jpg)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer is on the site!
Now somebody just has to rip Square's Tom Sawyer game so that we can have all of the outdated racist characters appear on the site!
(05-16-2017, 07:57 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]Now somebody just has to rip Square's Tom Sawyer game so that we can have all of the outdated racist characters appear on the site!
At last!
Well as you may know that I ripped Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Captain Silver is also in the queue.
By the way, Bee 52, Crash ‘n’ the Boys Street Challenge and Pinball aren't crossed off when they should be.
Young Indiana Jones Chronicles has also been finished, so many frames for an NES game.
Whoops, they must have slipped by me. Everything is updated now. Thanks!
Started rip from Trojan with main character and enemies (possibly bosses as well) but saving it until Halloween.
Well, after dealing with other projects and procrastination, I can safely say I am back to working on the project. Voleyball will be the game I'll work on.
EDIT:I will also be working on Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade (Taito) and Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom once my other rips are finished.
Hey everyone! Just a bump because we're officially halfway through the year! As summer approaches, maybe we can focus on getting some nice summer sports games out of the way? The NES has loads of baseball games, like Baseball Simulator 1.000, Baseball Stars, Baseball Stars 2, Dusty Diamond’s All-Star Softball, and Bases Loaded 1-4.
It's also movie blockbuster season, so it's a great time to rip things like Hunt for Red October, Hudson Hawk, Indiana Jones, or Godzilla!
Or maybe you just want to relax with a little Toobin'.
At any rate, enjoy your summers, and if you're not outside, maybe give the ol' NES ripping fingers some exercise!
Thanks to the help of Mednafen, Magical Kid GooGoo (I don't know what they were smoking to come up with that title) has been ripped. It's supposedly the very last NES game to be dumped which I don't believe because there was this one homebrew game called "Dragon Feet" that was given out at a convention and to my knowledge, no rom dump exists on the internet.
Nice work! Maybe it was the last one dumped from that era?
Look at that, SCAT is on the board!
Look who's back!
Archon done. This is a weird mix traditional chess game and Turn-based RPG
![[Image: 4xm9Uoi.png]](http://i.imgur.com/4xm9Uoi.png)
BTW Ton, you forgot to cross off Ghost Lion &
Metal Mech (both ripped by yours truly)
With the updated list we've just crossed 70 games! Wow!
Russian Attack Rush'n Attack done. This is a pretty fun game, hard as hell though.
![[Image: 18HrOpu.png]](http://i.imgur.com/18HrOpu.png)
I started work on Gumshoe but unfortunately I'll be away from my computer for a few days. I'll be back on Monday/Tuesday to continue it though!