I was bored and Ill over the weekend so I stayed wrapped up and got thinking about SNES games and what were my top 10, and I was wondering what are yours?
10. Starfox/Starwing
09. Earthbound/Mother 2
08. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
07. Donkey Kong Country
06. Super Mario RPG
05. Final Fantasy 6
04. Super Metroid
03. Super Mario World
02. Chrono Trigger
01. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
1. Final Fantasy VI
2. Donkey Kong Country 2
3. Chrono Trigger
4. Super Mario World
5. Super Metroid
6. Final Fantasy IV
7. A Link to the Past
8. Mario RPG
9. Super Mario World 2
10. Earthbound
1. Yoshi's Island
2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
3. Goof Troop
Those three are better than anything anybody else can say.

10. Donkey Kong Country 2
9. Super Metroid
8. Mega Man X
7. Flashback
6. Tiny Toons Adventures
5. Earthbound
4. Super Mario Kart
3. Super Mario World
2. Illusions of Time
1. LOZ: Link to the Past
Man, that brought back a lot of memories to think about...
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Tiny Toon Adventures
Link to the Past
Zombies Ate my Neighbors
Jurassic Park
Donkey Kong Country 2
Mario Kart
Off Road: The Baja
I can't do it! Its, its like asking me which children not to throw into a furnace, I love em all too much! D;
Uh... I'd have to saaaay...
1. Earthbound (playing that for the 2nd time on my DS. got my Games 'n Music working again)
2. Super Mario World
3. Yoshi's Island
4. Mario Kart
5. Super Metroid
6. DK Country
7. Legend of Mana (or whatever the hell it was called)
8. Contra
9. Super Mario All-Stars
10. Uhhh...ummm....errr.....yeeaaah....heh....hmm....*sigh* Dunno. needz to play moar gamez
No. There was a Contra for SNES too. I know because my cousins had an SNES, and Contra, and we played it.
And then next time I came over it was lost

1. Kirby Super Stars
2. Super Mario World
3. Mortal Kombat 3
4. Samurai Showdown
5. Ms Pacman
6. Donkey Kong Country
7. Yoshi's Island
8. Blob something rather...
9. Off Road The Baja
10. Tiny Toons Adventures
I think that was roughly most of the SNES games I own.
1. Super Mario World
2. Super Mario RPG
3. Kirby SuperStar
5. Megaman X
6. Super Metroid
7. Yoshi's Island
8. Earthbound (Despite that I've yet to beat it)
9. Super Mario All-Stars--Specifically SMB3.
10. MMX3
1. Super Metroid
2. Super Mario RPG
3. Donkey Kong Country
4. Kirby Super Star
5. Yoshi's Island
6. Super Mario World
7. Mega Man X2
8. Link to the Past
all the snes games i can think of
I don't really have an specific order.
Final Fantasy IV
Super Metroid
Megaman X
Mortal Kombat 2
Clock Tower
Bahamut Lagoon
Fatal Fury 2
The Adventures of Batman & Robin
The Death and Return of Superman (no shit sherlock!)
I also could mention Aladdin, The Lion King, Megaman X2 & X3 and Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure, but then there was going to be 15 games XD
No specific order, I like them all
1. Super Mario World
2. Donkey Kong Country series
3. Yoshis Island
4. Zelda 3
5. Lufia 2 - Rise of the Sinistrals
6. Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2)
7. Terranigma
8. Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3)
9. Illusion of Time/Gaia
10. Secret of Evermore
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Super Mario World
3. Donkey Kong Country
I need to play more SNES games it seems.