Hey. I'm a very popular modder and data-miner from the Dragon Ball community. I work mostly with Xenoverse games. I've actually been here for over a year, but I want to be more active. At this time I've extracted and shared all the audio from Raging Blast 2 and both Xenoverse Games, as well as a few select models and textures. I could be swayed into ripping models from these titles but sadly they're both very time consuming so I won't likely do the whole games. If anyone needs any help with this sort of thing, feel free to ask. I'll do my best to respond to anything I know on the forums.
If you want to know more about my work or chat with me, I've got links to my websites and my twitter in my sig.
I'm not a terribly boring person, I swear.
Hey, welcome! (Officially)
I've just got a question for ya, if ya don't mind. Are x2m files rippable with the tools I downloaded? Mastaklo will soon release his King Cold mod for X2 and I'd just like to extract it into Max.
(03-21-2017, 04:13 PM)Rodo Furedorikku Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, welcome! (Officially)
I've just got a question for ya, if ya don't mind. Are x2m files rippable with the tools I downloaded? Mastaklo will soon release his King Cold mod for X2 and I'd just like to extract it into Max.
Hey, thanks!
So an X2M is just a regular zip file with a specific file structure that eternity's program reads to parse files correctly. The real power behind this new modding system is the patcher it runs through, which enables the game to read loose files outside of its CPK archives. The files inside the X2M are the same as used in game, no wizardry required, only a method of extracting SFIV engine formats, which I believe you had (EMD, EMB, EMM). If you run into any trouble let me know

Thank you so much, man! If the file formats are exactly the same then I can just use LibXenoverse.
EDIT Well hell, that was too easy. I joined AnimeGameMods for nothing. F**k...

(03-21-2017, 04:58 PM)Rodo Furedorikku Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you so much, man! If the file formats are exactly the same then I can just use LibXenoverse. 
EDIT Well hell, that was too easy. I joined AnimeGameMods for nothing. F**k... 
You can stay if you wish, its a safe space here, if anyone acts out of line I'll kick their digital *ss.
I had picked a lolworthy username though XD "PissedWalrusKing" or something cus if you recall I hated the idea XD
(03-21-2017, 05:28 PM)Rodo Furedorikku Wrote: [ -> ]I had picked a lolworthy username though XD "PissedWalrusKing" or something cus if you recall I hated the idea XD
Definitely one of the best usernames on the forum. Reminds me of Robbaz on youtube.
Okay then! I'll see what I can do!
here come dat boi. komody dragin