Is there any tutorial that can speed up the process of spriting and make it look halfway descent. I spent a hour on this face and its proportion are wack
and this sprite im not happy with the face but I tried harder on the hat
the entire sprite
there not complete and after hours they suck,so any help
Read up on proportions, study other sprite styles, and if you really have to, start at square one with editing sprites. But if you do that, don't post them expecting positive criticism.
Well one tip is to always save as .png there are some tuts that may help you
Let me dig up some stuff.........and i found
This is the basics of spriteing tells you about shadeing and stuff ill try to help you out but im not much of a spriter myself
(11-27-2008, 04:42 PM)xTYVONx Wrote: [ -> ]Read up on proportions, study other sprite styles, and if you really have to, start at square one with editing sprites. But if you do that, don't post them expecting positive criticism.
I didnt want positive criticism

Negative criticism helps with any art I would have used worse words thow if I could do better