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I love these graphics and that video looks promising. :)

the running does look a bit slow, but that could just be the video tho ;P
it's been said many times before....i love your style lol
yeah stupid video recorder and youtube cut out a couple of frames in the video... I might post up a music track to if I feel like it in a few days. Not sure if i wanna leak those yet though.

here's the link again because of the page bump*
Ooh big improvement from the one I played, especially in the character, much more relatable.
Looking pretty damn sweet there Kaikimi, keep up the good work. Big Grin
Thanks guys, I'm making progress little by little every day as I inch on. Pretty much the only thing holding me back from having a playable demo for you all right now is just the sheer amount of sprites,tiles,backgrounds,sound effects, and storyline work I need to make for it, along with all the conceptual designs I have to come up with just for the demo itself, progress is moving slowly but surely...

Here's a few things you'll be able to expect from the demo though.
1. Story of the world of frostfire montage.
2. introduction of key characters in game early on.
3. A town full of npc's, houses, and shops.
4. A playible ice field level.
5. A playable forest level
6. 1st dungeon of the game.
7. Fully working menu and inventory system.
8. Plenty of enemies and obsticles.
9. 1st boss introduction and battle.
10. Working Attacking, physics, experiance, and effect systems.

I'm looking to have a really good demo to keep everyone occupied and interested for a bit while I work on the game.
so is the gameplay going to be like super paper mario, where its a plaformer, but you can still level up and get more hp?

Also, how you go through towns and such, instead of just, level 1, level 2 etc.
More like the megaman zero style of leveling up where you gain exp then you can perform different moves that you learn from them.

Going through towns will be like a mix of megaman zx and super mario rpg. All the areas are connected just a giant world map that lets you move on to different places once you finish the levels in that area, you'll still be able to revisit levels and towns of coarse.
Man i was so sad when they got rid of the leveling in Zero 3. anyway this is looking p. rad so far. i cant wait to see what you come up with for music.
[Image: enemy1_idle.gif]
elephant enemy idle.

Just posting something to update you all.
Most of my work the past week or so has been on programming frostfire's engine. Not many sprite updates that I'd really want to show off on here for you all, but I just wanted to let you know that even though there isn't any visual progression for you all to see, there's loads of stuff done with the programming. I've got enough done to actually start on the first town and a couple more test levels.

Current Top of my to-do list:
- make village setup
- sprite and program a couple more enemies
- design a few more npc's
- start work on large debug level to test all the physics, animations, saving, etc. etc.
- make indoor tileset
- make more attack animations for nicolas
- spriting items, destructible boxes, etc.
I love it. I can't wait to see the rest of this shiz. Keep it up, dude.
(08-12-2009, 04:12 PM)Tuna Unleashed Wrote: [ -> ]Man i was so sad when they got rid of the leveling in Zero 3. anyway this is looking p. rad so far. i cant wait to see what you come up with for music.

Wait no further!
I just made a frostfire youtube channel to showcase gameplay trailers and music in the game. Make sure you all subscribe to keep up with the latest updates. I'll probably also do a couple of dev vlogs as well in the near future.

1st showcased BGM
Mt. Obsidian Volcano stage

I should have a few more sprites to showcase in this topic in a couple of days. I've been doing a shitton of programming on the engine lately, so now I just have to make a bunch of sprites to catch up with my work.
(08-17-2009, 07:22 PM)Kaikimi Wrote: [ -> ][Image: enemy1_idle.gif]

So I'm kinda stuck right now and I figured I would ask you all for some advice. I'm wanting to make a death animation for this baddie, but I don't know how I would go about doing it. I don't really want a violent death animation for it like it exploding or anything, but I'm not sure on any other way of killing it.... Any ideas on how to portray this fellows last moments of life? lol
have him just fall down like his legs just stopped working
have him reel back onto his hind legs then collapse forwards
this looks amazing.
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