I've always been a fan of the style. Here's a couple of study characters.
Using a silhouette style for character design and pose. Final colors borrowed from a CV sheet.
Constructive criticism is greatly valued.
This place used to be booming with activity. It seems all the old forums are ghost towns now. How do people share this stuff these days?
They don't. Creativity is dead.
No actually most people do it on social media; artsy types usually take to Twitter, Tumblr and sometimes Pinterest. It's jut a sign of the times, frankly

The forums can be slow, especially on summer weekends, so don't panic that you're not getting the feedback you're looking for.
(also, you might want to try the Discord. I don't know about creative types in there, but it's a chatroom type of setup, sooo)
no one listened to me when i said everything about this problem
try twitter for more art boost and tsr's discord channel.
Pixeljoint is usually quite active but might not be the right place to seek critique, I'm not sure.
I don't know if this is part of the style but having a yellow-brown outline for hair and then a black outline for white clothing bothers me.
Yeah the times have changed to the point where you're not gonna get as much critique here as you would compared to social media. It's kind of why I barely post my stuff on here these days.
Not to mention that even when we have been active on these boards there was also a pretty bad rap that we got here because of certain people that were in the staff that are thankfully no longer with us, but I feel may have hurt the boards in the long run.
As for the sprites themselves I'm guessing these are in the style of the GBA Castlevania games, They aren't bad from what I can tell. So I don't have much to add to this in particular. I would try maybe changing the outline of the white to a bluish color if this is what you are aiming for.
EDIT: Come to think of it, I may consider making a thread on what we could probably do to try to boost activity for the creative side of the community at some point in the site discussion. Until then I'd probably take everyone else's advice and take to social media.
glad to see i wasnt the only one that noticed how dead these forums are
Another CastleVania study piece. Natsu from Fairy Tail.
Colors borrowed from CV games.
Feedback appreciated.
(08-06-2017, 09:25 PM)Epicbattler3 Wrote: [ -> ]glad to see i wasnt the only one that noticed how dead these forums are
Walking back on my statement a bit: The actual site is pretty bustling (with submissions and what have you) and even the Submission subforums! It's just...the Creativity and Social are yeah, fairly dead.
It's a mix of social media
and the userbase itself just being more invested in the "archival" parts of the site as opposed to the parts that actually require some effort to post, lol
Think of this site as a museum. People go to a museum to look at the cool things on display, not make arts and crafts. While they do offer arts and crafts programming, it...isn't the main draw of a museum and it usually draws a small audience. So, most often the site decides the trim the fat and focus on the main draw (sprite archive) and almost nothing on the other stuff (creative) because that's what keeps the userbase engrossed. The userbase
has shifted (it used to be bustling with creative posts, but that's gone by the wayside as these users...well, actually got jobs in graphic design and pixelart)
(08-07-2017, 01:03 AM)Dontpixelonme Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: natsu_by_dontpixelonme-dbj5j7l.png]](http://orig03.deviantart.net/f296/f/2017/218/2/9/natsu_by_dontpixelonme-dbj5j7l.png)
Another CastleVania study piece. Natsu from Fairy Tail.
Colors borrowed from CV games.
Feedback appreciated.
I'm a bit conflicted on this as I'm not actually sure how Castlevania games work lmao. It seems a bit bright, but then I realize the character is usually smooth-stepping his way through Dracula's very dark castle and needs to remain bright for constrast, so it actually works. Shaman King Master of Spirits, a very Metroidvania-ish title got around this by giving the main character a black outline despite his bright palette to contrast against the...only slightly darker colors of the background (they weren't very dark at all)