One advice: just start making the full sheet after you've got the first pose done. If you start making the sheet with poor sprites, your sheet will become poor too. I'm glad you brought those sprites there. Redoing one sprite is better than remaking the whole sheet
About the sprites... I suggest working on them before you move onto the animations. Your lineart is good, but can be improved (see 4th guy's shirt, for example. His face is on profile while his shirt is turned a bit to the screen. Avoid making profile faces, unless you can manage them to look good). Another issue is lack of Anti-Aliasing to make your lineart smooth and pleasant for the eyes. for example, see the giant guy's chest, or maybe, the first guy's shirt or the hair from the 5th character. They look like a bunch of lines, and needs fixing. Round these lines a bit more and place the Anti-Aliasing dots on strategic places.
Right now, your colors look strange and boring. See 1st guy's gloves and feet. those are MS Paint default colors, aren't they? You need to avoid using them (unless you're working with some kind of restriction), because they are overall bad for spriting (really, I dare you stare at that light green for 5 minutes. It burns your eyes). About the boring colors... in some sprites (especially the 4th guy's orange shirt), you got one color, edited it to look a bit darker and so on. Making shades is not simple as that: instead, try 'hue-shifting'. Instead of only moving that little arrow up and down on that saturation bar, play with both; move that cursor on the colorful box, too. You may get interesting shades if you do that right.
Also, you need to make more 'fluid' poses. A lot of those looks very stiff and bland. Some look okay, but others doesn't (see the 9th guy. He almost looks like a robot).
I hope this C+C helps you with the sprites. Continue working on these

OK thanks Yea some of the are not proper poses.What does C+C mean??
Ima fix the 1st one and make a proper pose and repost with better colors and shades thanks alot for the help!!You really helped me.
I decided to do something more simpler just to practice I took all your advice
and came up with this
![[Image: Mario.png]](
Yes, looks really good!
Only, you need to use a fixed lightsource. Look how his cap is shaded on the left side of the sprite while the nose is shaded on the right. That's technically impossible. Stick with one lightsource and shade from there.
Wow that was mistake ill fix it But I made Geno Paper Mario Style This one even better
I use one light source for this one.
![[Image: Geno.gif]](
Ok i fix mario nose
![[Image: Mario-1.png]](
(12-13-2008, 11:31 AM)Spartan92 Wrote: [ -> ]What does C+C mean??
I believe it is compair and contrast.
"C+C" means "Comments and Criticism".
You really need to improve the contrast on marios skin. You can barely tell the shades apart. The other colors could use some contrast as well. Also, his nose is a bit blocky at the top.
Oh so when the shadeing looks too light i should make it darker rite.
I like Geno, but technically it's not Paper Mario style.
There's actually a tutorial on tSR for that style, if you want to look it up.
My new Sprites From FFTA2
Moogle Gunner
![[Image: Gunner.png]](
![[Image: Mage.png]](
Edited Mario's nose and darker shadeing
![[Image: Mario-2.png]](
So what you think??
Lineart's improving, it just still looks jagged in a number of areas.
Mario's nose looks like it's about to slip off

. Try to move it up a pixel.
And, his skin still needs more contrast.
Ok i edited more some more
![[Image: Mario-3.png]](
Also Made Juggler From FFAT2 i love the moogle class!
![[Image: Juggler.png]](
Choboco Knight
![[Image: Knight.png]](
![[Image: Thief.png]](
(12-13-2008, 08:01 PM)Spartan92 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok i edited more some more
![[Image: Mario-3.png]](
Okay, but I meant shift his entire nose up one pixel, not just stretch it

Take the bottom of his nose and shift it up one pixel as well.
Also, you got a bit too much contrast. Split the difference.
OK more edited Mario again nose up shaded lighter
Thanks alot for helping me!!!
![[Image: Mario-4.png]](
Better??or anything else to improve??
Also is there any editing for geno i want to make them perfect b4 i start on sprite sheet
![[Image: Geno.gif]](
Geno is very, very pillowshaded, but the line art is fairly good. Clean up his hair though, it looks like a very high up nose.