(08-22-2017, 02:33 PM)Ton Wrote: [ -> ]I'm fairly certain they found it in the game's tiles. It's about now that I still with Yawackhary was still around.
I've tried checking the palette against the VDP palette, but the only similarities are the sclera and irises. If there is a full palette for it, I'm not sure how to find it; I don't want to add in something potentially corrupted years ago.
Glowing Spheres Wall Progress: 242/800.
More findings:
Alternate Badnik Palettes: Carnival Night (Both Acts) & Sky Sanctuary (Act 2)
Top row of Badniks from the Carnival Night are the standard palettes.
Row 2 (Green): Bowling Spin Palette. Sparkle and Batbot only appear that way before the boss is actually triggered, as they become garbled. Clamer gets the Bowling Spin hit palette, Sparkle gets its normal charging flash, as it does for the next two rows.
Row 3 (Bluer): Underwater palettes for the Badniks.
Row 4 (Pink): Knuckles affected-palette.
Row 5 (Vermilion): Clamer only, during the fight against Graviton Mobile. Oddly, triggering the glitched Knuckles palette in Act 2 does not change the palettes of the Badniks.
Egg-Robo, left to right per row from top:
Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic Hit flash;
Mecha Sonic sparking 1, sparking 2 (or charging)
Super Mecha Sonic palettes.
Knuckles in the Mushroom Hill (Act 2 Start, the Switch)
In the 0408 prototype, the switch that Knuckles uses to thrust Sonic into the Autumnal area of the Valley is blue. Also, it appears to be a sensor, since it remains in place while Knuckles moves his body. In the final, as we all know, it's red, and behaves as a switch normally would, as it moves down with Knuckles' body shift. The fourth frame of both rows have been blown up to 500% view for comparison.
![[Image: Switch_Hijinks.png]](https://image.ibb.co/e9BUP5/Switch_Hijinks.png)