02-22-2018, 09:00 AM
02-26-2018, 08:54 PM
Here's some new sprites of a newly-dumped game! This one's been on my radar for quite a while:

I would like to also do Stanley but for now here's the big ape himself.
EDIT: And here's Stanley.

Donkey Kong

I would like to also do Stanley but for now here's the big ape himself.
EDIT: And here's Stanley.

02-27-2018, 06:17 AM
Title Screen


Here's a few more X1 sheets, the emulator I use is rather difficult to rip from as there's no pause feature. Hope we can get the X1 promoted to the main systems by the end of this week!
02-27-2018, 09:35 AM
Its missing six games right now!
02-28-2018, 09:12 AM
02-28-2018, 01:23 PM
Moving back to PC-88, here's something from Dig Dug:

Not a good port thanks to being ruined by the controls, unfortunately.
Terrain Tiles

Not a good port thanks to being ruined by the controls, unfortunately.
02-28-2018, 02:24 PM
03-01-2018, 02:11 AM
(02-28-2018, 02:24 PM)Magma Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to rip Brain Breaker, but I can't get past the first screens.
I can relate. There’s a few PC-88 games I’d love to make some rips of myself, but unfortunately they’re text heavy Japanese text adventure games which are impossible to make progress through without translations, of which there are pretty much none, especially on a system as obscure and not well-documented as the PC-88 and Sharp X1.
The only one of it’s kind that I did was Gall Force, of which I only did the one thing that was easily accessible (the intro and title art).
03-01-2018, 08:58 AM
03-02-2018, 11:03 AM
Yeah, i'm finishing the pc98 touhou games, since they are more documented than anything on that system
The first one is done, Lotus Land Story is the next
The first one is done, Lotus Land Story is the next
03-02-2018, 11:46 AM
Walky and Nyankies

And another PC88 game joins the fray.
03-03-2018, 03:56 PM
Whoever knew that a PM on here got me to rip a Sharp X1 game and it was disk ripped too. Thanks shadowman for the idea. I didn't get much luck with disk ripping with most games seems to either just display text, in a unsupported format and games such as Bomberman and Excitebike seem to be compressed. I really wanted to rip Stop the Express however it seems to be one of those dumped but hoarded games, judging by the other Hudson games it might be compressed anyway. At least I managed to do one even though at first, I didn't know the game that I was ripping from! It was listed as Disk 8.

Should be 2 games left until promotion. Do have a bit of Tennis done however it seems to be literally a NES port (same sprite format) and has a few issues. There's another that I think that I can do on Disk 7 however again, don't know what game it is.

Should be 2 games left until promotion. Do have a bit of Tennis done however it seems to be literally a NES port (same sprite format) and has a few issues. There's another that I think that I can do on Disk 7 however again, don't know what game it is.
Also I have been currently experimenting regarding some systems that are NOT on tSR yet. These are most likely not ever going to get promoted just because there's so few games on them. As for work in progress:
One of them being Commodore 16/Plus4. There's isn't much of a library with many publishers only releasing like one or two games on the systems and was more popular in Hungary/Mexico than anywhere else. Chose a few and already gave the results. Paperboy is compressed, can't be ripped. Auf Wiedersehen Monty only seems to display Monty Mole however it is a quick rip. Death Race is possible. Not sure about the infamous World Cup Carnival, can get the text to display though. Ghosts 'n Goblins is possible but it is going to be tricky because the game wasn't coded very well with Arthur displaying the wrong mode in game. If I rip how the sprites are meant to be then C64 ripper displays the sprites however for some reason the program only goes up to FFFF and many of these sprites are beyond that range so either someone could hack the program to remove that limit or try hacking the disk/prg dumps to see if they can display them by removing the earlier data.
Daley Thompson's Star Events, one of the two games that Ocean did on there (the other was a embarrassingly bad port of Green Beret) however there are missing tiles as I discovered doing the sheet. Again requires hacking.
Another Commodore system that have been looking at is the Commodore 128. Haven't had time to look however it might be possible with C64 ripper. While there might be 29 games in total, so few use the extra features of the system and really should be part of the C64 section. Whether I could do a few games remains to be seen.
One of them being Commodore 16/Plus4. There's isn't much of a library with many publishers only releasing like one or two games on the systems and was more popular in Hungary/Mexico than anywhere else. Chose a few and already gave the results. Paperboy is compressed, can't be ripped. Auf Wiedersehen Monty only seems to display Monty Mole however it is a quick rip. Death Race is possible. Not sure about the infamous World Cup Carnival, can get the text to display though. Ghosts 'n Goblins is possible but it is going to be tricky because the game wasn't coded very well with Arthur displaying the wrong mode in game. If I rip how the sprites are meant to be then C64 ripper displays the sprites however for some reason the program only goes up to FFFF and many of these sprites are beyond that range so either someone could hack the program to remove that limit or try hacking the disk/prg dumps to see if they can display them by removing the earlier data.
Daley Thompson's Star Events, one of the two games that Ocean did on there (the other was a embarrassingly bad port of Green Beret) however there are missing tiles as I discovered doing the sheet. Again requires hacking.
Another Commodore system that have been looking at is the Commodore 128. Haven't had time to look however it might be possible with C64 ripper. While there might be 29 games in total, so few use the extra features of the system and really should be part of the C64 section. Whether I could do a few games remains to be seen.
03-03-2018, 06:25 PM
Good ol Shadowman, always finding the really obscure stuff.
I'll see about looking for more PC88 stuff to rip in the meantime. Really wish M88 had more quality-of-life improvements common in other emulators; even an actual pause and quick screenshot feature would make it more useful for sprite-ripping things with lots of moving bits.
I'll see about looking for more PC88 stuff to rip in the meantime. Really wish M88 had more quality-of-life improvements common in other emulators; even an actual pause and quick screenshot feature would make it more useful for sprite-ripping things with lots of moving bits.
03-04-2018, 06:17 AM
After for being in the "other systems" for considerably far too long, the Sharp X1 has finally made it's way to the core list with it's successor.

These rips may have seemed lazy or desperate but believe me, Sharp X1 ripping is anything but easy.
I would have done rips of things like the playable character (in some cases I have but they're unfinished) but unfortunately, Xmillenium does not support layer removal functions and being a system that uses multi-layered sprites it's kinda difficult telling the difference between the foreground and background graphics.
Hoping in the future someone comes along and writes an emulator that fixes all these issues.
Title Screen

Title Screen

These rips may have seemed lazy or desperate but believe me, Sharp X1 ripping is anything but easy.
I would have done rips of things like the playable character (in some cases I have but they're unfinished) but unfortunately, Xmillenium does not support layer removal functions and being a system that uses multi-layered sprites it's kinda difficult telling the difference between the foreground and background graphics.
Hoping in the future someone comes along and writes an emulator that fixes all these issues.
03-04-2018, 11:11 AM
Congrats, X1! 
Also I second this so much.
I guess cause these emulators (at least the ones I use) are Japanese-based and sprite ripping isn't nearly as big in that territory compared to english-speaking ones.
It also says something when printscreening becomes the best tool for getting screen caps of these games. And most of them are crippled by unresponsive controls, which doesn't make them that fun to play either.
Like this game.

Something like this would be far easier to rip from with the improvements Shadowman and myself brought up; it still would be hell to play because the controls for this particular game are finicky and slippery but it would be easier to get the graphics and make proper sheets.

Also I second this so much.
I guess cause these emulators (at least the ones I use) are Japanese-based and sprite ripping isn't nearly as big in that territory compared to english-speaking ones.
It also says something when printscreening becomes the best tool for getting screen caps of these games. And most of them are crippled by unresponsive controls, which doesn't make them that fun to play either.
Like this game.
Title Screen

Something like this would be far easier to rip from with the improvements Shadowman and myself brought up; it still would be hell to play because the controls for this particular game are finicky and slippery but it would be easier to get the graphics and make proper sheets.