Yeah... but I should turn my head a bit left completely in that animation because it looks like im looking at the screen as I'm running... which isn't a smart idea.
It looks better like this too.
The animations could use frames in between, and you might want to use the Blue is AA for the Green?
Haha, I like these. Good work.
I dont have a neck. Im deformed. =)
Actually I just dont like putting necks on sprites... they annoy me... only spritewise...
your eye in the running animation should be placed in the left. Also, your leg animation needs to be reversed (when the right arm is going forward, the right arm should be going backward and so on).
i respect anyone who can put together a half decent running sprite man
back when i sprited the one thing i couldn't do for the life of me is make a fluid running sprite, not to mention one that moves fairly realistically like your own
however i can't help but feel there needs to be some head movement going on?
Everyones suggesting that, just I don't know for sure what I should do.
Wait wait wait... eye on the left? I'm kinda not getting that...
I think that its doesnt need head moveing cause he's looking straight ahead and when you run straight ahead you dont move your face around or i dont know but i like the runing animationg like that i think it makes sense.
If you make the hair move a bit it'll make it look like his head is moving a little.
Oh... like bouncy lol or wavy like theres a breeze on it?
breeze, but i don't think that will work with your sprite (unless you want to create a baywatch-like running animation), it looks good like it is!
(12-15-2008, 10:00 PM)Colton Wrote: [ -> ]Wait wait wait... eye on the left? I'm kinda not getting that...
Yeah, my reply was poor, sorry about that. I was sleepy at the time. What I meant is that your eye is way too much in the front of your head; place it more to the left.
Should make sense now