I'm attempting to extract audio from the Danganrompa V3 demo, but I've hit a wall with trying to convert the hca files I got from converting the awb files I extracted from the cpk. I have tried using hca2wav, but it didn't work, and I don't really know much about hex editing and file headers, so I'm not entirely sure the headers used by the hca files. I've also got a few samples of some of the extracted files in case they are needed, just copypaste this link in your searchbar, and it should take you to the files.
These files are convertible through VGSC, which can be found
(08-27-2017, 07:31 PM)Pingu! Wrote: [ -> ]These files are convertible through VGSC, which can be found here.
I'm not quite sure if I'm doing something incorrectly, but I've tried using vgsc and it displays an error message that it failed to open the file. I'm not sure this is the exact reason, but I read the instructions for both vgsc and vgmstream, and I couldn't find hca, or awb files in the supported formats for vgmstream, and I think that may be the reason why it's not opening them, but I'm not 100% sure. Is there some kind of script for it that I don't have that can allow those files to be converted?