![[Image: mlclassiccheepcheep-1.png]](http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a208/UltimateLink/mlclassiccheepcheep-1.png)
Since MLSS only had that purple Cheep Cheep that puffed up, I edited it into a classic Cheep Cheep, and while I was at it I made a Deep Cheep too.
![[Image: DryBowserdirections.png]](http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a208/UltimateLink/DryBowserdirections.png)
I also decided to make a Skeletal Bowser. Original Bowser sprites ripped by Bacon.
![[Image: MLSSIceMarioexample.png]](http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a208/UltimateLink/MLSSIceMarioexample.png)
I also have an Ice Mario I'm working on. Original Mario sprites ripped by A.J. Nitro.
![[Image: mlHammerBroexamplev3.png]](http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a208/UltimateLink/mlHammerBroexamplev3.png)
Here is a Hammer Brother I made since the one in the game was too fat and it had no overworld. Original Hammer Bro. ripped by Booton, original Koopa made by Ridge.
![[Image: coloredlumasexamplev2.png]](http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a208/UltimateLink/coloredlumasexamplev2.png)
Here are some MLSS Lumas made by me and the Illusory Reaper. Original Star Kid sprites made by A.J. Nitro.
Just minor M&L edits. I would like to see some actual custom work, I see potential in you.
It seems there is too many of these topics that are just recolors :/
(12-13-2008, 06:55 PM)CeeY Wrote: [ -> ]Just minor M&L edits. I would like to see some actual custom work, I see potential in you.
Yea, but it's close to the regular Cheep-Cheep, since the one that existed was puffed, so that can explain the edits.
Overall I feel it's an okay edit.
I realize it's just an edit, but people may like to have actual Cheep Cheeps.
Also, I added two new edits I am working on.
Well There pretty good edits (Costums are better) I think ice mario does not look rite instead of coloring his hole body maybe you can change the overall and the hat you no how fire mario overall turns red well make ice mario overall turn light blue get what im saying
In galaxy all of Mario is ice, not just his overalls and hat.
Oh really my mistake sorry.
Eh. This could be done better. Ice Mario needs the ice blocks following him and whatnot.
Skeleton Bowser shouldn't be just a recolor, he should be majorly edited. Right now it looks like Bowser is put on some facepaint for halloween. :/
When Ice Mario is walking on land the ice blocks don't follow him.
Added Hammer Bro. and Lumas.
Looks okay... for a start... More please?
More sheets, less singles?
So, more on the Hammer Bro.