Hi, I'm Sackboy! I'm a fan of a lot of video game series, including Burnout, Kirby and LBP. Also being a person working on a 3D Smash game, I thought I might as well make an account on these websites. So now i'm part of this nice place. And yes, I set my location as Antarctica.
You're ALSO working on a 3D Smash game?
(12-03-2017, 11:48 AM)Tabuu Forte Akugun Wrote: [ -> ]You're ALSO working on a 3D Smash game? 
Yeah, me and my friend "The Ness" who is also on here, are working on a 3D (or 2.5D, like normal Smash) Smash game. We are at the stage of ripping models and animations and making models too. The Alpha of the game is coming sometime soon. If you want you can see us, we're on Discord - my username is ||#4872
Niiice!! I'm making one called Super Smash Bros. Feud, I'm aiming to make it as much like the real thing as possible! I have partially playable characters, I have most character models, etc.! I'll add you! I'm Tabuu Forte Akugun #0712