Well I need some help guys, I'm currently ripping some sprites from a game BUT there are over 1,000 files and they are all unnamed...
yes no kidding, all in a data type of file but inside those data files are .mesh files and .tex.pvr but I'm only going for those .tex.pvr files, UnityEX works perfectly well when extracting those but I want something like a script or a .bat file idk , something that will help me extract all those files quickly without doing it all one by one. Any help please?
PD : It's 2 AM and I'm so tired, my apologies if I'm not adding more info or anything...
Have you tried Asset Bundle Extractor? It's works for Unity resources, and can do batch process.
If not, try first to look if the tool can open the resources you want.
Create a bat file with this
for %%a in (*.*) do UnityEX export "%%a" -t mesh, ktx, dds
Just a heads up, it will produce an error for UnityEX.exe and UnityEX.bat as this code is scripted to extract every file in the directory, so just hit ok and let it work its magic.
Also, you can add alternate variables to the code by adding a , than file type. I.e , obj, pvr. Although, if the models are compressed, the UV's on the OBJ's are screwed up, and if there's other errors with the meshes, the code will stop and await input before resuming.
(01-26-2018, 06:52 AM)Sosfiro Wrote: [ -> ]Have you tried Asset Bundle Extractor? It's works for Unity resources, and can do batch process.
If not, try first to look if the tool can open the resources you want.
it also the tool for baldi modding