I wannna try to rip a model from Legend of zelda skyward sword.
I know there is a tutorial for dolphin on this site but before I start getting into it I wanna be sure its what I need.
Thing is I just need one model ^^
Thanks for your time and help

all ya need is Dolphin to extract the files, and then use Brawlbox to open the arc files, and export the MDL0's as DAE.
(03-17-2018, 03:03 AM)Demonslayerx8 Wrote: [ -> ]all ya need is Dolphin to extract the files, and then use Brawlbox to open the arc files, and export the MDL0's as DAE.
It kinda worked, got the game out and found the character I want in brawlbox. Thing is, its not an MDLO its a .rel file and it only lets me export it a .rel.
then your not looking in the proper file, everything is all packed in ARC files, so look for files that's like over 4mb
(03-22-2018, 10:15 PM)Demonslayerx8 Wrote: [ -> ]then your not looking in the proper file, everything is all packed in ARC files, so look for files that's like over 4mb
Found it, thanks

I can't find the models in the legend of zelda skyward sword files. I have a wbfs files.