Added PT's rips to main post.
Well, I've just realized, Ranger 1 may have had the exact same colours, but in Shadows Of Almis there are more poses. So note to Dazz and the gang, we'll be updating several of out sheets that have pre-evos or evolutions in other regions, and ripping a hell of a lot more. Say good bye to a nice sixty sheets. It's hundreds now.
Okay, we're going down the Ranger dex now and ripping every Pokémon!
Currently, with no breaks we have up to R007
Pokémon [Ranger Dex Order]
[R001-R003] Pichu, Pikachu + Raichu [ICON]
[R004-R005] Bidoof + Bibarel [ICON]
[R006-R007] Tailow + Swellow [ICON]
EDIT: We deleted all red sprites, will re-post when we do thwir evolutions. Some have remained, as we discovered their evolutions do not exist in SoA.
Great work guys, keep it up! You're working faster than I anticipated!

Love these! You're doing a great job ripping them
Just one question...Could we expect the whole game to be ripped soon(Well, NPC's & Pokemon...Maybe the 'Battle' Backgrounds, and Attack SFX)? =P
Yes, yes you can. It might take us a bit, but we are trying to get everything ripped. But we'll work quick as possible.
Doing it like it should be done, as ever!

It's not letting me edit at the moment, something to do with MySQL, but I can post.
Heatran [ICON]
Cresselia [ICON]
Regigagas [ICON]
Palkia [ICON]
Anyone would think Legendary Pokemon came from Ikea. I got them out of the way as they're the ones that look least like sheets, due to the amount of assembling needed.
Great job! It's great to see people finally ripping from ranger 2. I can't wait till Ice(One of the admins of Dim sun to those who don't know) is ripped, Been looking for a sheet of him for eons.
Great work on all the sheets
Thanks! Expect 100x more updates now, as I can not recolour them myself, but have mastered Tahaxan, TM and GGD!