Good job Lemon

Thanks, didn't know they were so wanted. There will be quite a few more.
Awesome stuff!

Another good one Lemon!! I like how the folwers look on the sheet.
Effects 4 [ICON]
I'll get on with all my Icons tomorrow.
Another good one PT!!! I'm glad that you guys are doing the ranger sprites they're one of my fav series of sprites and they're not easy to find I only know of one place that has them besides TSR.
Great! I really needed these! Keep them coming!
Your getting close to done! You'll need some villagers soon.
SWEET!!!! I love charmander, how did you know Lemon?
Fantastic work guys, keep it up!

I'm actually kind of surprised they didn't change the Charmander line at all from the first Ranger game, Well, maybe they added a couple of poses, haven't looked at it too in-depth...
Awesome rips guys!