So i have been ripping from Saliens by opening the page's code with F12, downloading the javascript, serching for the images and sounds, going the ther URLs, and saving them to my computer. I have downloaded all of the assets i can, but now i have run into a few problems.
The planet Backgrounds,
'' + this.m_PlanetData.state.land_filename
the planet maps,
'' + instance.m_PlanetData.state.map_filename
and the lasers.
'beam_fr' + i + '.png'
'laserpath' + i + '.png'
'laserhit' + i + '.png'
you can find the code
if you can find them feel free to upload them to the spriter's resorce yourself.
Thank you! The planets were all named "Planet + [number starting at 1].png", so that threw me off.
anyway, I just found a bunch more sprites that I missed, and just like the lasers, I don't see a file path anywhere. They are...
the attack's landing animations,
'ex_fr' + i + '.png'
'SlimeAttack_Splat_' + PadZerosLeft( i, 4 ) + '.png'
'SlimeBall_Final_A_' + PadZerosLeft( i, 4 ) + '.png'
'BeastAttack_Spawn_' + PadZerosLeft( i, 4 ) + '.png'
'BeastAttack_BigBiteFX_' + PadZerosLeft( i, 4 ) + '.png'
'PsychicAttack_Cube_' + PadZerosLeft( i, 4 ) + '.png'
the enemy walk cycles,
Code: + PadZerosLeft( i, 4 ) + '.png'
and the enemy death animations.
Code: + i + '.png'
you can find the code here.
I hope i'm not still missing anything.
I'm still missing the boss spritesheet and death animation. I can't find anything about it anywhere in the code. I have tried boss-death.png, enemy-boss.png, boss-spritesheet.png, enemy-spritesheet-boss.png, enemy-boss-death.png, and more, but nothing seems to work. Please hurry, saliens is already over and Valve could remove the images from their servers any time.
(07-04-2018, 06:47 PM)Superjustinbros Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent rips, RTB. 
Heh, they're not so much "rips" as "grabbing website URLs from the coding", but thanks anyway.

Here you go. I decided to just download the boss sprites and sounds as a safeture measure so you're gonna have to download the ZIP instead.
You're a little late there, madK, I already got those too.
RTB, where did the SalienCryotubes in your "General Sprites" ZIP come from? They aren't in the same directory on the server as most of the other sprites, at least not by that name. Just wondering.
OOOOHHHHHH,, not THATS why I couldn't find them!