A Mario sheet I'm working on. Please leave constructive criticism.

The shading looks... okay, but the lineart needs work. The basic shape of Mario's head looks a bit... awkward, plus it seems when he walks his legs get longer and arms get shorter. Also, he seems to get skinnier as he walks. The legs should also be spread out a few pixels.
Thanks Colton, I was never good at animation. Ok, I made the arms and legs stay the same length and also made the back of is head different; hoping that would make it better.

It's okay. We all start out, we all get better. On the walking animations, I suggest you don't make the legs grow/arms shrink, and you spread the legs out a bit further too.
Seriously, the head needs to be a LOT fatter and the nose needs to come out more. It's too square and blocky...
Ok, head = fatter, nose = better position
The shading is very poor, and the animation needs serious work. Work on the colors, and establish a direct lightsource. But it is an improvement at least.
1,000 POSTS!
Don't work on color until you get the lineart down. It does look much better than before, but it still looks weird. Perhaps his head is too tall, and I think the nose should be bigger, maybe...
Mario's belly is too flat, it should be at least a little rounder, same with Luigi.
If he were real, he would topple over.
OK, Belly = Rounder, Head = Shorter. Toppling = What?
There is almost no change, start out with fixing the shape first. It looks pillowed so I'd establish a lightsource coming from the top right corner. Then use more interesting colors.
OK, I will go to work again. Also which part do you mean when you say there is almost no change? Colors = Better. Light source was already established.
(12-29-2008, 11:39 AM)Quizzle Wrote: [ -> ]Toppling = What?
I think he said that because his head is almost the same size as his body, if not bigger.
Oh, OK but Mario's head is like that in the games and videos and everything. I think that my sprites are getting better.